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Clearing Energy You Don’t Want! (and some ghosts too)

Imagine this, you are sitting on your couch and a wine bottle shoots across the room and lands on a travertine floor without breaking. Or, a door slams and you are the only one in the house. Maybe a cabinet full of vases all fly out and drop to the ground. Could be a bit scary right? This is my house on the regular!

Just for fun!

Just for fun and because I like to talk about every topic, I welcomed Extreme Vision Paranormal to Spirited Straight Talk. The unknown can be scary. In my world, the unknown is where I work. To me, it is not scary, it is just energy. Energy can be be present in many different forms, but it can not be destroyed. The energy every living thing has can leave imprints on this world when the physicality of life is no more. Sometimes this energy can manifest itself into the physical world and can create uncertainty or fear for those who are experiencing strange happenings.

What Is This Energy?

I recently had my friends from Extreme Vision Paranormal, a group of ghost hunters based out of Illinois, on my podcast to talk about energy and their experiences with the paranormal investigations they have done. This group is unique because they go into an investigation with the mindset that they will explain the occurrence as being of this world versus of the paranormal world.

They go through a very scientific process using specialized equipment to “capture” a voice or an image. Much like I myself am a radar for spirits, their equipment used is a tangible radar that can help to validate the paranormal. EMF recorders, cameras, digital and voice recorders, cctv camera systems, and even dousing rods are tools they have in their arsenal that can all scientifically measure energy.

Am I Going Crazy?

The folks at Extreme Vision Paranormal have some great thoughts on energy and specifically residual energy or hauntings. Many people who seek out the help of paranormal hunters just want the proof that what they are experiencing is valid. They want to know they are not going crazy!

It takes a ton of energy for spirits to vocalize or communicate with us. When Extreme Vision does an investigation, they will first go into a room to establish a baseline EMF recording.  Investigations are done at night to cut down on human activity and noise. They use various recorders. Spirits love any kind of electrical equipment because it is easier for them communicate through those devices in order to be heard. It takes a great deal of energy from spirits, they have to lower their energy levels and electrical equipment allows them to express themselves in an easier way.

Where is this coming from?

When we have energy in our home that is unwanted, how do we get rid of it? Clearing energy is simple when it’s done with intention. Examine the reason you feel that clearing the energy is something that is needed. Then, what do you hope to gain from the cleansing? Set the  intention for the new energy coming in. Are you wanting the energy to move on, or do you want to clear the space of negative energy? Do you want to pave the way for more positive feeling in your space, or is there a specific intention? Be clear very clear about your intention.

A Few Things You Can Try

  1. SMUDGING– Using Sage, or Palo Santo to cleanse your space. Walk through your space with intention with your favorite. Make sure your windows and doors are open to allow the energy to leave the home. Waft the smoke into each room making sure you get all the corners, ceilings and any small space. Negativity tends to collect in corners just like dust. Touch windows, hallways, and closets with the healing smoke.
  2. SALT– Use salt around the perimeter of your space. This is setting the intention so that boundaries are clear. This allows unnecessary spirits to avoid your space because you are letting them know your boundaries.
  3. CRYSTALS-You can also strategically place crystals throughout the space so the power of the crystal can cleanse. I chose Selenite, Rose Quartz and Amethyst for the kit I recommend. All for peace, calm and positivity.
  4. CLEAR OUT THE CLUTTER– Clutter can create physical and spiritual obstacles in life. Clutter can sometimes translate as symbols of negativity within your life. Clearing it out helps formulate a clear intention of healing and positivity.
  5. CLEANSING CEREMONY– Ask the negative energy to leave. You can use any type of tool to help to create that ceremony whether it be drums, chimes, bells, or even holy water splashed in corners of your space.

BONUS-Bring in the good energy- Finally, bring in the positive energy with things like music, fresh plants or flowers, even candles. Open up the blinds and let the sun in or some fresh air in. Have a celebration, whatever that looks like for you. Cook your favorite meal and celebrate great, positive energy!

When you listen to this weeks podcast episode titled Ghosts, The Paranormal and Clearing Energy You Don’t Want you will hear a few spooky things captured and the paranormal can be understandably frightening.

I just have to say, I hear your loved ones voices all the time and I always find it comforting versus scary.

I also have put together a Home Cleansing Kit if you need a bit of help cleansing the energy in your space. It may help you hear from your loved ones a bit easier as well.

Namasté and Love,


Is Your House Haunted? Of Course it is!

Is your house haunted?

Of course, it is!

Often, I am asked “where do my loved one’s hangout?  Are they with me?”  

Do you sometimes feel someone is behind you, do you find your things moved or are your electronics doing things without any one touching them? Have you seen something out of the corner of your eye such as a dark streak and when you try to focus on it, it’s no longer is in sight?

They can be anywhere and everywhere!  Who you ask?  Those no longer living in a human suit!  I believe they are just in a different dimension, which I can’t explain scientifically, but this is how I describe my experiences.  

If you are feeling the spirits in your home or office, or anywhere, it doesn’t have to be someone you knew.  I will be asked “Who has been turning on my TV at night” or “who is closing doors and turning on the lights? “I believe that it doesn’t have to be your loved one or someone you know.  

I have done thousands of sessions and I connect to your loved ones which are not people I would personally know. They show up sometimes days before a session and they like to show signs in my home to advertise they are around waiting for the appointment.  It can be quite interesting.  I have experienced so many electronic things happening and once even had an entire shelf of vases thrown out in the middle of the night.  A loved one was announcing themselves prior to a reading the next day. 

Sometimes people like to think that a haunted space may be occupied by someone who may be “stuck” but that is not my belief and that’s not generally my experience.  I think people in human suits can be more “stuck” than those who have crossed over! They like to be around to see what is happening in our lives and maybe they want to hangout since they are getting attention from us.  

I think energies can present themselves to us and we will feel them, our hair may stand up.  We will feel other energy too. Think of how you may feel at the ocean, mountains or in a vacant old building.  Each of these different spaces provides a different reaction.  Since everything is energy, it can take a shape that can makes us each feel the energy and we will interpret it differently.  

I’ve have done energy clearings at homes, business clearings and land clearings.   The owners have called and said they felt something was wrong or someone needed to move on to the other side.  My belief is we can attract energy or energies into our spaces by accident.  It’s not that someone is trying to hurt you, attach to your body or some other notion. What I have found is we may open up to something that is mirroring what is happening in our own lives.  Similar to the law of attraction.

A few years ago, I had a client contact me because their house was on the market for over a year with no offers or interest.  The price range in this neighborhood was expensive so taking a longer period of time to sell wasn’t unusual, but this home was not getting any feedback whatsoever.  The home was well designed, beautifully laid out with great views, so why was there no action on it?  

The homeowner was already living in their new home a few blocks away, but they were trying to sell this home and move on in their lives.  They hired me to come and help them change the energy in the home to see if it would help. When I arrived at the home with a few students we all walked in and felt a heaviness.  The homeowner didn’t feel it as this was what she felt the entire time living in the home.  To her it was normal.

As we walked around, we could feel that there a lot of illness.  She confirmed this and shared that her daughter had a botched surgery which led to many more to correct the first one.  Her sister had a brain tumor and had lived there while the homeowner had taken care of her and the owner herself had fallen down a flight of stairs and almost broke her back.

We all took a big breath!  It made perfect sense after hearing what had taken place in the home. The heaviness was from how they felt in the home.  We used some of my techniques to help move the energy and relieve the heaviness we felt in the home.  Some great ways to change the energy yourself.  

  • Have a party in your house or a celebration
  • Take a hot bath with your significant other
  • Celebrate the home so it feels loved
  • Bring joy and talk about happy experiences in the home
  • Bless your home with sage
  • Play great happy music
  • Get rid of things in your home that you don’t love or bring you joy
  • Bring in plants and flowers
  • Open up windows
  • Sit in a room you normally don’t sit in and honor that room

These are just some easy suggestion to create an intention of clearing energy.  Everything come down to intention and if your intention is to bring positive energy you can do it.

For this particular client, she followed some of my suggestions and a week later I received a call that the buyers who had looked at the house a year before came back and bought the home!  Isn’t that amazing?  

If you are open to feeling the energy and you want to feel your loved ones more often then, welcome them and try to feel the little sign’s they are trying to give you.  It can be very subtle. They will show signs by showing up as orbs in your pictures, or by messing with your electronics and having coins appear to you. They may move objects, or it may just be that subtle feeling we get when we are quiet.  

As I’ve always said, we are “Forever Connected”. Even though they are on the other side they are forever by our side.

Deb Sheppard