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Stop Struggling & Manifest What You Want (Finally)

How can we create the life we dream of? Have you tried to manifest an outcome?

Be Clear With What You Want

You must be very being clear about what you want to create. If you are confused about what you really want, how can the universe help you? Sometimes we may think and say we want certain things, but then we end up holding all the energy back. Maybe something that happened in the past is affecting how we feel, or perhaps there is self-doubt. Being very clear can allow the manifestation to happen in a more fluid way.

It Does Work!

I have an example for you as to how manifesting has worked for me in a dramatic way. When I was single and searching for a partner, I decided to write a letter of gratitude to the universe for bringing my perfect partner into my life. I wrote this letter as if it had already happened, with what I was blessed to have in my life, specifically about this partner. Although I never identified a him or her. I would recommend to not to be attached to the outcome when manifesting. Trust the universe. I certainly did not expect to meet the woman of my dreams, Dana, but the universe had other plans for me. Because when Dana came into my life, she was everything the letter had described. This manifestation changed the course of my life and has brought both of us great joy.

Are You Aligned

Make sure you are manifesting what you need in life by being very aligned with what you’re saying. It is important to believe in what you really want. If you have a bunch of bad clutter in your mind and fears about past situations, it can cloud how they believe in yourself. If you believe that you don’t deserve it that you can truly create what you desire then it most likely won’t happen. What has happened to you in the past is still affecting how you move forward. We continually need to ask ourselves am I in alignment with what I want? 

Limiting Beliefs

Throughout life we are taught limiting beliefs from our parents, friends, some teachers or ex partners in relationships can all curb our thoughts and opinions. When we hear phrases like, “who do you think you are?” of   “Do you think you’re really that smart?”, “You are not that talented.” etc. We tend to carry these beliefs that have been pushed on us by others. Then what happens? We start actually aligning with those limiting beliefs, they start coming true, confirming that limiting belief. This can impede your manifestation process greatly. This brings me to the Law of Attraction, whatever you put out into the universe will come back to you. If you are continually negative, then you will receive negative back. Stop the negative chatter in its tracks!

How To Receive

How can we be aware of what we are putting out to the universe? Are we creating blocks and obstacles for ourselves? To me manifesting sometimes feels like it’s magical, but a lot of this is just having a goal in mind. Publishing my book was my goal. In order to accomplish this I had to ask for and receive help. Receiving is very difficult for some wrap their head around. You must receive in order to allow the great things the universe has in store for you. You must be open to receiving. If you are one that is always doing for others but feel as though it is not returned, you have trouble receiving. When we manifest what we want, we must learn to receive what we were trying to manifest in the first place. 

How To Manifest Your Desires

There are a number of ways I teach my clients how to manifest, Very simple, yet challenging exercises to help you achieve what you desire. It could be a relationship, a job, or even a beach vacation house!  I talk about 5 specific things to work on. Listen to my latest podcast on manifesting to get ideas. The world is your oyster! Manifest it!!