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The Healing Power of Sound

Did you know that the sounds around you affect you at a cellular level? They do! Your mind and body operate at certain vibrations, and those vibrations can be transformed with the help of sound. You can use sound healing to help alleviate stress, depression, anxiety and countless other health blocks. Listen in as Deb teaches you to how to easiliy integrate sound healing into all areas of your life.

1 (6s):
Welcome I’m Deb Sheppard. I’m your host of Spirited Straight Talk. Thank you for joining me on this amazing spiritual journey that we call life. You’re in the right place and you didn’t land here by accident. My intention is to help you learn to free yourself, of things that are holding you back and create a life that truly makes your soul happy. LL be talking about key insights and interesting topics to help you learn how to powerfully co create with the universe. I will cover everything from turning your setbacks and to triumphs my favorite living your soul’s purpose. Of course, I’ll be connecting with spirit, your guides. And the favorite one of course is your loved ones. On the other side, if you’re re ready to truly stop spinning circles and you re ready to harness the power to co create a cynic life with spirit, that I hope you join me every week for spirited straight talk.

2 (1m 1s):
I think most of us today will say that I’m so stressed. I’m being, being pulled in so many directions. My energy is so low. I don’t like I can get enough sleep. Maybe, perhaps you feel depressed or just don’t, you’re not getting the clarity that you used to get. And it’s interesting that we all try different types of modalities to figure out how to change things. And we can say, oh, it’s my age or it’s because I, my job right now is very stressful and my kids are going through these certain things, but actually there’s other things. And I don’t know how many people have even heard of sound therapy, but realize it is another avenue of helping these things that we are dealing with on a, sometimes a daily basis.

2 (1m 46s):
And so what I think is important is that it’s, it’s something that’s been around for thousands of years, but we don’t realize how it can help us in our everyday life. M Deb shepherd. I’m here to talk to you about sound therapy and how these things can actually help with so many areas in your life. That you’ll be actually surprised what it can do for you. And it’s simple, and it’s legal, which is really cool. The voice in the background is Dana. The laughing, the laughing. She is my partner in life, and I’m on Spirited, Straight Talk. And we’re here to talk about how sound therapy can be something that is so valuable to you, and so easy that even children and no matter what age you are or what you believe, you can bring this into your life.

2 (2m 38s):
And it’s not that difficult. And it’s been around since your ancestors, which is really kind of cool. Well, sound has been around since the beginning of the, so even further, but sound therapy. I think people get a little confused. It’s not, we will, people think it’s like, you don’t have to do some spiritual stuff, but sound in, in our vibration because really what’s going on is everything affects our vibration of how our soul responds and how we can show up in the world. And if you wouldn’t be more intuitive or more clear-minded or change the energy from sadness to other things, it’s pretty amazing what sound therapy can do and happiness and joy.

2 (3m 24s):
Yeah, absolutely. What I want to do is talk about the different types of cell therapy and what it can do to help align your body and why there’s even the scientific side to sound therapy. And Danny gets to do the science part cause she’s the smarter one of the two. Oh, geez. Don’t build me up that much. Yes. So how many times have you felt that overwhelming feeling and you know, mail I’ll make it Alexa play songs when I’m kind of in a funk or whatever, because you’re so vain, don’t let me sing. But yeah, all music, all sound has a vibration that is a vibration of the planet, or basically our cells, our bones, everything about us and how it vibrates with us is how we react to it.

2 (4m 13s):
So for instance, if you hear a loud sound of a bang, you’re going to be in shock. There’s that sound of fear. And I think for a lot of people that have dealt with PTSD, especially those that who have been in battle any of those like 4th of July and those kinds of sounds can really be triggers for them to go back into some PTSD. So this is why we know four without a fact, basically that sound does affect how we respond in life. What are the things that, of course you have as the ocean that much? Yeah. Have you ever seen one on the ocean feeling stressed? Maybe only if they’re on a ship or a shark on the beach?

2 (4m 53s):
No. I have never seen somebody stressed on the beach and you see everyone that they’re pulled into the beach and they’re sitting there and they’re laughing, they’re doing the Frisbee. They’re having family time, they’re eating, they’re drinking, they’re watching for some reason that sound and that water gives us all that feeling of peace. And, and this is why people look for vacations or you home sit on the beach. Yeah. Yes. Currently searching. I wish we could, but yeah, the ocean, I even like to have our smart devices play ocean sounds to go to sleep sometimes because it’s very relaxing and you know, the sound of water and rain, things like that.

2 (5m 37s):
Of course, when it’s a thunder storm, I know some people like those kinds of sounds, but it does change for everybody. If you look at animals, how thunderstorms can really affect the energy of an animal where they’re frightened. So sound does have a vibration that does affect to a cellular level and how you want to change that. And we were talking earlier about how a baby hearing a heartbeat. So even I remember as a mother laying my son on my chest so he could hear my heartbeat so he could go to sleep at night. So I think even well now they actually created those little devices.

2 (6m 17s):
That’s a little over this, let’s put this in there. So I can go over here and watch my TV show now, but really those judgements. But having those sounds that rhythm is really important and all cultures from all of the world from way back, Have you sound and music, to be able to bring in celebrations, to celebrate someone’s life for weddings, to, to look at how to like the native Americans in different cultures. We want to bring the drumming, all of that. And the drumming is the heart of mother earth. You know, so that’s the heartbeat and the heartbeat. And this is why you see little kids that will be drumming. Like they’ll start banging on pans and stuff is because it’s the heartbeat is that drum that they remember in utero, it’s familiar and they bang on it can be annoying for us, but that’s okay.

2 (7m 5s):
Familiar sound to them that reminds them of when they were in utero. And so when we talk about sounds and what things are do for us, you can think about real estate, you know, location, location, location, right? The price of a home or location of something you want to live in near an airport or train station versus the ocean or the mountains. Yeah. It’s going to be a different price. So there is a value when we come to the sound and how we can relax or feel, why is everything so expensive in New York by the subway? Then I think it has a lot to do with these homes should be really low.

2 (7m 46s):
It’s very noisy. That’s funny. We should ask that. Right. So by, by an ocean, yeah, yeah. Or lake or river, things like that, where the water brings us that serenity. So salaries and, you know, I have this thing I bought in New Mexico years ago, probably 15, 16, 17 years ago. And it’s a rain stick and should I play it? So the rain stick I bought in New Mexico and it’s made from a cactus arm, I guess, or the base of it. I can’t, it’s pretty long. It’s probably about four feet. You think this is about, and you can’t really tell that it was from a cactus, but I know that in like a seal, a little places where it poked out and then it has a little bit of yarn, which is, it looks like it was from a cactus is one of those big ones.

2 (8m 34s):
It’s really okay. Big, big notices. And what I like about this is their seeds inside. And so I’m going to play this to see the records for you guys, but now that’s a heavy rain and bite even playing. Was it this way on your own? There’s a feeling of control and movement and sound. Don’t you think about looking at the window? Is it sending out, is it quality? Is it watering this file or wow. And we wouldn’t think that something like that would be so therapeutic, but it does relaxes because it’s that sound that’s familiar. We feel safe.

2 (9m 15s):
We have this energy to just release things that we’re holding on to. And that helps with our stress that helps us get away from all the things that we’re concerned about our problem solving. And again, it’s that vibration where you can feel it. I could feel it in my heart. Could you feel it? Dana does. I feel very much. I have to say that. I mean, I don’t know if I, I wasn’t holding it. I don’t know if I really feel it in my heart. I did, but there’s so many different things of sounds that all cultures have different instruments that play the sound. And I think what’s important about sound therapies. There’s no words to attach to it so that we’re not thinking about those words.

2 (9m 58s):
We’re just feeling that vibration and that our bodies can respond to those things. But speaking about feeling the vibration, like even I remember when I was much younger and pregnant with my son, I remember being near a speaker that was playing bass, whatever drum, drum sound it was playing, but it was pretty loud. And I remember him flipping and my belly during that vibration because it was such a deep bribe vibration. That would be interesting for doctors to use when a child is breach, seems I could get them to flip the slipper around, play the music.

2 (10m 40s):
And there is a difference between how music, how people are drawn to certain music. And we like, oh, that doesn’t, I don’t feel good with that is because it does have a feeling towards it and specific notes, I think. And I think we talked about this recently, but somebody who really likes like metal music versus somebody that likes string instrument or it’s those sounds and migrations that they’re attracted to and you and I are not music experts or sound experts. We just know what we like. We have a lot of things in our home that we do for therapy. So we have more than two sets of singles, glass, ones, and metal. We’re still metal. Yeah. We have drums.

2 (11m 20s):
We have rattles. We have gongs, we have grandchildren and dogs up those kinds of sound vibrations. So great sounds and annoying sounds really that’s to pay attention to there’s times where sounds can be annoying. Like someone’s voice. It feels like the nails on a chalkboard, a chalkboard of how people are actually paid for their voices to be able to have an energy around it. So people understand the experience. If you’re around somebody all day long and they’re, their voice is just annoying. That stress level may go up. If you have a child that’s sick, pay them to stop talking.

2 (12m 1s):
Do you think about that? Sometimes when people are in lectures or in classes, that’s why I like to give a lot of breaks is because we become overwhelmed with all that sound. And even to me, thoughts have a vibration. And so thoughts have a vibration and sound has a vibration. How are they connecting in lining up so that people can understand what works for them? And it’s remembering your past as, as you, we know that we have all of us have a past that we bring to it. But what I think is really beautiful about sound therapy because it’s legal is that it can read things of many things. And it’s because how we vibrate, for instance, I’m a fan of Dr.

2 (12m 41s):
Emoto, which is the scientist that studied water. And he talks about how thoughts and vibrations are affected because we’re 77% water or something to that degree. And so how our vibration, our Waterfield, the energy fields we respond to sounds. So when you’re talking about, everyone’s sitting at the ocean where you don’t see anyone going too crazy, you know, but you see them kind of relaxing. It’s that water, that connection we have that makes us feel, and Dr. Matos experiments, he used music. He would infuse water with the music for a certain amount of time and then study the ice crystals that came out of that. And there was a distinct, there is always a distinct difference between different sounds and what the crystals look like.

2 (13m 28s):
And so that’s how he not familiar. Dr. Emoto go to a YouTube and look up Dr. Emoto E M OTO messages and water. And it’s really interesting because he, he plays heavy metal music versus Mozart, and how the vibrations are just words or thoughts can change. And if we’re that much water, think about everything we’re listening to. Even our own thoughts can create a vibration in our body. So sound therapy is where the sounds come in to vibrate, to a place to shift a consciousness is what I’m getting like, it’s gonna, re-upping what doesn’t work anymore.

2 (14m 11s):
It’s taking a way and replacing it with something that gives you the feeling of being calm and centered and focused and healing and at peace. That’s why we use singing bowls to balance the chakras because the different notes focus on the different chocolates and help them to spin in alignment, not spinning out of control of the spinning, the alignment, right. It’s interesting too, how we respond to sound when it comes to like someone’s voice to say, because Sam therapy is different than someone’s voice, but when someone says something to you, how it’s said can also affect how you feel and how you want to respond forever, forever.

2 (14m 58s):
So if you think about how sound therapy can be something that can help you with that, what do, what a great way to be able to heal? And I’m thinking about how many people have trauma, especially now we can look at young people, how many of them that we can work with sound therapy that can have a better outcome in life versus waiting to your 50 or 60 or 70 to work on it. Before I figured out that I was a psychic for awhile, I used to have migraines all the time. And when I started doing this work, I realized that my migraines were the way they couldn’t figure out why. And it was always that person that was in pain all the time and, you know, in bed when it came.

2 (15m 38s):
But when you shift that energy and I knew where the headaches were coming from, it was able to then release those headaches. I don’t have them. I don’t have migraines anymore. It’s been years. Sound therapy is a way then to tap into that, to shift that energy, because I believe that it it’s like electricity. If it doesn’t have something to ground itself, it can catch on fire. So all of that energy that I was connecting with was in my brain and causing headaches where the sound therapy and on understanding one view was able to move that vibration and energy. So I wasn’t holding it in my head. Yeah. That makes sense. And a lot of people have headaches that are having to have those.

2 (16m 19s):
And I think it’s learning that, and I’m not saying that sound therapy will heal everything, but it’s certainly a tool that you can use in your healing, another tool for your toolbox. Absolutely. The other part of this is trying to figure out what therapy works for you, because I think not all of it’s going to work for the same person. Does that make sense? So I’m just using the headaches as an example of what I experienced. People may not think that, oh, this is a science, but really it is science. And you can go back and do the research of understanding how the sound or just didn’t think about how you feel around sound, you and I played a lot with sound therapy and we’re doing it at our retreat too. And things like that.

2 (16m 58s):
But Dana has become really like a master when it comes to singing bowls. Don’t quote her on that. But what we want to do is she’s just going to play a little bit. This is the crown chakra, and it’s a glass crystal singing bowl. And I want you just to take a few moments to listen to the sound and the vibration. And if you’re driving and close, don’t close your eyes. This is me. If you’re in a quiet space and just listen to the sound, to see where it resonates or feels or vibrates in your body, It is a heartbeat, right? So people have asked like, do I need to do my own goals?

2 (17m 40s):
Or can I go to a place and, and have the sound therapy? There’s a lot of places around that you can probably go to. I don’t have any direct command and you can also do your own. And also with all of our smart devices, they also have those things. Do you know what I did a singing bowl to the chakras. I blew up a a hundred thousand dollars piece of equipment in a sound studio. I remember that story. When people tell me that it really doesn’t mean anything. I’m like, ah, yeah, it can. It’s a vibration, it’s energy and sound. And so what you want to look at is all the different sounds out there that work for you that can lean into that feels like that’s good. So when I talk about vibration, for some people that may be new to this kind of stuff, I want to explain that to individuals, we can have vibration is a sense or knowing or a feeling.

2 (18m 31s):
And when you meet somebody, you have a feeling, or when you go into a place you’re like, wow, this place feels really good. It’s an energy vibration. Or when you meet somebody or say, you’re having lunch and you’re like gain, are you okay? You can tell that someone isn’t feeling good or you must have some great news to share with me. So it really is how you feel and what energy is put into the universe, because whatever vibration you have, it extends to the universe. And that’s what you get back in return. So if you’re feeling stress, as we talked about earlier, most likely, if you go to the grocery store, you go to the bank, you go to do something.

2 (19m 11s):
If you have that stress in you, what are you going to find more stress? Because you feel like there’s not enough time. And Dana, you know this because when I got stressed earlier, you were like, I need to breathe. I need to take a walk because we have that hyper feeling going on and we don’t know how to calm ourselves down. And so we started attracting, we start feeling like we’re the victim or good things are not going to happen. Or there’s that panic feeling when you are with people that make you feel safe and comfortable, and they’re laughing, you’re feeling like, oh, I got this. I can do this. And so that’s, what’s considered a vibration.

2 (19m 51s):
And how many of us want to be in that high vibration, where we can attract things that we really truly desire. And that’s what we talk about through our podcast is how do you attract and manifest and is based on a vibration. If you’re the individual that feels like you just can’t get there, sound therapy is another avenue can help you balance yourself and take that away without putting that burden on somebody else or feeling like you don’t know how to manage it. And vibration is everything. Everything has an energy, has a vibration. And maybe if you think of the word, energy versus vibration is something going fast or something’s going slow. And how does that feel for you?

2 (20m 32s):
It’s like a therapist. How does that make you feel? And that’s really what this is about. How does it make you feel? So we’ve, we talk a little bit about a specific vibration a few times. It’s the 5 28 HC, which there’s a beetle song. Yes. And it’s based on that frequency though, but it is a song that’s based on that 5 28 HC, which is also if I remember correctly about the heart, that is absolutely correct. It’s all about love and the heart. So if you want to have that heart healing, if you feel like you have someone you’ve lost or there’s been an illness or a loss of a job or a situation, and you really want your heart to heal, then listening to music or sounds of five to eight H like in horsey, like in zebra, those, and you can Google it because it will show you what those sounds are.

2 (21m 29s):
It will help you with the vibration of your heart, sort of like putting a bandaid on it. It’s a bandaid to help it heal. So isn’t that kind of sweet putting a bandaid on your heart. So the point being here is Dana’s given me this look since we’re not on camera, is that all sounds all things out there that can be noise that can drive you crazy noise. Pollution can be overwhelming. We can’t wait to get home, get in the hot tub, take a swam exercise, have a glass of wine, whatever that looks like sound does make a difference. And I want you to think about not only what you’re listening to and what you’re saying to yourself, but also bringing in sound therapy as another tool to help you in your healing and any kind of sound can be helpful except for sound pollution, sound pollution, living in New York city, right by the ocean being by the water.

2 (22m 25s):
Some of the things that this can help with any musical instrument, wind chime. I mean, how many times do we love being by the wind chimes? Right? So rain sticks, drums, tuning, forks, any of those things can be a benefit. So don’t rule those out. If you’re a person that likes to play the guitar, bring back guitar and start messing with it again. But the purpose or the benefits of these frequencies is to reduce stress and anxiety. And I’ve heard so much recently about people feeling anxiety. So if you’re in that place, this is the time to look at sound therapy as another avenue for you, focus motivation, concentration. I think I really need that. I’m always like a squirrel kind of somewhere else so that I can be difficult.

2 (23m 7s):
I think it improves competence. And when I looked at that as improving competence, I think it’s because if you take out some of the stress and you take out some of the anxiety that we have, it does build the confidence to say, I can do this, improve sleep. Most people have a lot of sleep issues. And that, of course, if you’re not getting good sleep, you’re not going to be able to be productive. The next day people are meditations, especially for those that may have struggles with meditation. It’s a great way to get into the music of things. This wouldn’t surprise me. It lowers cholesterol. We should try that, that, that way I don’t have to worry about my diet or I should does not mean that you can’t diet and exercise.

2 (23m 47s):
It just means it’s another part of it. Right? And then I think the mood swings, which she goes about with anxiety and stuff, how we can feel overwhelmed and we don’t know how to manage things, but this, again, for everyone that’s listening, this is another way to introduce something that maybe you haven’t tried, or maybe you tried and didn’t understand the intention of what you could do. And sometimes we don’t give it more than one chance. Give it a more opportunity to really bring it in to have it as one of the things that you can use on a daily basis or a regular basis. That’d be daily. Yeah, I think that’s great. And we just pull up the wheat, we Google chakra meditation, and it goes through all your meridians, all of your notes and helps your alignment of your energy.

2 (24m 32s):
So the vibration and sound of that vibration can help the great benefits. It doesn’t have any calories. It doesn’t really cost anything it’s legal. And if you tell somebody that you’re listening to sound, no, one’s gonna think you’re crazy. So right there tells you, this is a great idea to bring into your toolbox. So thanks again for joining us on Spirited. Straight Talk. Remember that even though that they’re on the other side are always by your side, please go to the website, Deb Sheppard dot com and download our dream interpretation E kit so that you can learn to interpret your own dreams. Thank you for joining us on Spirited Straight Talk.

4 (25m 16s):
Thank you so much for listening to the show. Each Monday is a new episode of spirited straight talk. Make sure you hit follow. So you don’t miss any of the guidance or bonus episodes. Your experience at the show means a lot to us, and we would love for you to leave a review or let us know about more topics you would like to explore. You can also follow Deb on social media and connect with her website at Deb Sheppard dot com. That’s Deb S H E P P a R d.com. If you want to join Deb on one of the shows or have a reading from her on the show, you can submit a request on the podcast page of her website. Thank you again and see you next week.

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