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Introducing: Spirited Straight Talk

Join renowned psychic medium, spiritual teacher and author Deb Sheppard for Spirited Straight Talk, for anyone looking for more spiritual meaning, purpose and freedom from limiting beliefs.

Deb Sheppard (7s):
I’m spiritual teacher, medium and author Deb shepherd. And I’m so excited to announce my new podcast, spirited straight talk. Would you like to be inspired to be more authentic in your life? Do you want to free yourself of limiting beliefs and fear? If so, you’re in the right place and spirited straight talk. We open doors, the whole enchilada, or as we like to say The Soul Enchilada so you can create a life that truly makes your soul rise each week. I will bring you key insights and interesting topics to help you embrace who you are at the core. You’ll find the courage to live without guilt and learn how to powerfully co-create with spirit.

Deb Sheppard (50s):
We will cover everything from turning setbacks, into triumphs and living your soul’s purpose. Should you coding your dreams and demystifying the spiritual world? And of course, connecting with spirit, your guys and your loved ones. On the other side, I’ll also take your questions and welcome fascinating guests. So if you are ready to stop spinning in circles done with being held back by limiting beliefs, ready to harness your power to co-create a truly authentic life, his spirit. He wants to have fun along the way. Join me on spirited straight talk.

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