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2023 Predictions You Need to Know

2023 Predictions What’s in store for 2023? Find out as I talk with Vedic Astrologer Mark Alexander and Numerologist Glynis McCants about what they see for the coming year. Discover the important themes of the year, major events that may happen, 2023 predictions, and much more! >>> Do you want to connect with spirit? Visit DebSheppard.com to get my free mini course and be notified of upcoming gallery reading events.

Deb Sheppard
Hello, everybody. So thank you for joining us. It is Deb Shepard, we’re going to talk about the predictions for 2023.

Deb Sheppard
So I can’t believe I’m even saying 2023 We will be talking about numerology, astrology and then what I received as downloads. If this is the first time you’ve heard of me, and you heard about me through Glynnis, or Mark, who are our guests today. I am Deb Shepard, I’m a psychic medium. I’ve been around the planet several times in this lifetime. I have worked for years helping people connect with their loved ones, as well as helping guide them to trust their intuition and find the path that really helps them heal and grieve and find what their purpose is in this life behind the scenes. I do want to mention Dana is also here – she is my wife, an amazing person.

Deb Sheppard
The thing about predictions that I want to talk about is there is free will. And predictions are basically all the energy and the information and data that each of us have gathered to be able to let you know what’s going on. In the upcoming year, predictions in my opinion are information to know – it’s knowledge. And with knowledge we can participate, take action in our life – it is no different than understanding the weather. What’s coming up the future of you know, we’re going to be driving, there’s gonna be a lot of snow or hard weather, difficult weather. And so give yourself time and a way to make your life more manageable. And that’s what all this advice is about. So if you’re looking at, okay, this isn’t exactly what I need to do, you got to use your own intuition and bring together the information that all three of us are sharing that you can apply.

Deb Sheppard
The reason I like having an astrologer and a numerologist and myself is because all of our brains are wired a little differently. And with that, we want to find out where the nuggets in each of that information and how they apply. Another really cool thing about doing this and we’ve done it in the past is none of us communicate. Prior to this, we all show up with all of your information. And you will find no matter what the information is, there’s something that comes together – it’s cohesive. And the information is just how you dissect it or understand it, and it’s the layers with it. So again, you’re using this information to help yourself through life, to give you that awareness, to pay attention. And I also like to know that we’re all sort of on this journey, getting data and information that’s going to help provide hopefully some insight in your life. Just like we know that, hey, we’re gonna have a big snowstorm, take more time, make sure your car’s full of gas, that we have some snacks and water and prepare yourself that you have a little bit more time to get to your destination living in Colorado. The joke here is if you stand in one place long enough the weather changes. So that’s why I like to compare it all these predictions, all this kind of understanding is that you’re just kind of getting knowledge to be able to make good choices for your life.

Deb Sheppard
Our first guest is Mark Alexander. He’s a Vedic astrologer. He has been a friend for quite a long time. Mark brings in the calm before the storm. Mark has this energy that just makes you feel relaxed. Each of us have a little bit different energy. Mark has been studying astrology for a very long time with some amazing gurus. And so the way he brings this stuff through is layers of information that can provide some insight that can be very beneficial. So if you’re new to astrology, or you are a person who really likes to understand your, your, your birthday, your astrology and the people in your life, Mark is really one of those individuals who can bring all the little pieces and information that can be a benefit

Deb Sheppard
Mark. Mark is here in Colorado. He is also if you want to know more about your astrology, if you want an in depth reading from Mark, it is powerful. Hey, I get to see you. Hey, I’m so excited with technology. We’re here, Mark. So, you know, technology seems to improve. But I just think the most of us that are are starting trying to catch up to it.

Mark Alexander
Right? Yeah, yeah. Me included.

Deb Sheppard
Yeah, me included. So you and I are that, you know, understanding other stuff but technology, it is a benefit for sure. So we kind of texted. You have some things to share with our audience today.

Mark Alexander
Yes, I do. Yes, I do. Okay, so, what I would like to do is just briefly kind of just offer the difference between my system and the Veda from the Vedic tradition in the Western and it’s basically just, we do in the Vedas come from India, considered to be the Spiritual Motherland. I guess from that very old tradition and the, the Vedic system, we use the possession, the precession of the earth to take into calculation of where all the planets land. So basically, our system that we use is the astronomical calculation, if you will, of where everything is. So it’s we’re seeing it in real time is what I mean, the Western system uses the seasonal calculation, basically. So things are just a little bit different. That being said, I respect both systems very much. It’s just the tradition of the Indian. Past Lives and everything that I just saw resonate with, from the old old old world, kind of came to full fruition in this life. And that’s why I jumped on the Vedic system.

Mark Alexander
So in the Vedic system, we also use lunar constellations, as we use the solar constellations, the 12, solar and the lunar, we have 27 of them. So it definitely splices up a few things, that brings in a little bit more clarity and detail within each sign. So if you see somebody that has somebody has a sun in Taurus, and the other person has a sun in Taurus, but different times, then you’re going to see variations. So I know sometimes I kind of hear feedback from on rare occasions where people just, you know, don’t really buy into it too much. I said, you know, what, to each zone. And so, what I wanted to bring here is I’m going to talk about just for a few minutes, the Saturn moving and the Jupiter moving and a little bit on Mercury.

Mark Alexander
So just since Mercury is probably the simplest to look at real quick, because it just went direct from its retrograde. And to give a perfect example of a retrograde Mercury’s effect. I tried to order something online, just as it went retrograde, and everything looked fine. On on the screen, you know, that I was buying something from and a few days go by, and I’m like, I’m gonna drive up and go pick it up. And so I called the company and they were like, well, sorry, that’s not – that wasn’t available. So we had to refund your money and you’re not getting it, you know, and so internet’s electricity, commerce, that’s all Mercury. So that’s a perfect example of when an energy is retrograde, you know, things kind of get muddled up a lot of times, and so, yeah. So now I’m waiting until, you know, just probably next week, I’ll go purchase what I wanted. But, so that’s an example of a Mercury Retrograde influence.

Mark Alexander
So now, we have Saturn that just moved into the sign of Aquarius, literally, it’s just a couple of minutes in, and now each sign has its 30 degree mark. So within those 30 degrees or 60 minutes, so we get pretty fine tune with with our degree details and all of that, so sad, just stepped into the sign of Aquarius. So the last two, three years, we all know what we’ve been through. And besides the the pandemic and dealing with the virus and all of that we were also seeing a lot of transformation through governments around the world, and not just the US but just across the globe. And Saturn in Capricorn. Capricorn is about governments and structure and foundations and that sort of thing. So Saturn will tend to bring about lots of different nuances and aspects of you know, things we may not have known before about, about the government.

Mark Alexander
So now that it’s moved into Aquarius, we’re going to see – Aquarius is it’s an Air sign. Some kind of sometimes think it might be a water sign, but the symbol of it is a water bear, you know, some the man holding – man or woman holding the pot, dispensing the water which is which is an aspect of sharing wisdom. So the Saturn in Aquarius is definitely going to be bringing more groups and communities together in a way that will bring about I guess – In some situations, it may be more groups kind of coming to the forefront of wanting more information about Okay. Let’s just go down to the nitty gritty and what’s really what’s, what’s the truth here? Just give us the truth.

Deb Sheppard
That’s what I’ve been saying. That’s what I’ve been saying, Mark. That’s what my thing is about. Yeah. What you’re saying so,

Mark Alexander
So the more folks are coming together with the, with this, this need and respectable need of like, no, we want to know what is actually going on. And so, you know, if it creates issues, we’ll work through the issues, but, you know, you have to come to the forefront and just like,

Mark Alexander
Okay, what’s the truth. So anything that we may be seeing in the news, whatever side of the political fence you’re on, this is not a, this is not a forum for that this – I’m just saying, This is what’s kind of coming out. So if anything was information that was kept secret, you know, Saturn going into Aquarius, will force that kind of information to come out. And the reason being is Saturn is about focus, it’s about responsibility and discipline and hard work. That is that is the crux of Saturn influence. And if my example is how it influences somebody’s chart, if we’re not being respectful of those energies, if we’re not kind of owning what that is, that information is going to come out and it’s going to put either an egg on their face, or it will lift us up and and as you know, in a way, that’s okay, this person was being honorable, or truthful, or that sort of thing. And if they weren’t, then they they’re not gonna look too good. And they’re gonna be like, you know,

Deb Sheppard
You cannot believe what I wrote today. So what you’re saying – I feel so validated. So keep on going, Mark, because this is so cool. I think I’ve been in your head all day.

Mark Alexander
Probably. So that is probably one of the biggest transitions that we will see with Saturn going into Aquarius. We are also going to see innovation, a lot more innovation, and we’ll see much more of that is when Jupiter moves in the spring from Pisces into Aries. We will we’ll see because the Saturn will be aspecting Jupiter and Jupiter is going to be sitting there with the north node of the moon

Deb Sheppard
What month is that?

Mark Alexander
That’s going to be end of April into May. It will make its transition Jupiter will

Deb Sheppard
My birthday. Okay, perfect. Yeah. Okay.

Mark Alexander
So the Jupiter is nature, he expands, he brings about wisdom, teachings, knowledge. So, that kind of energy in a fire sign of Aries with where Uranus is currently located with the North Node. When I say North Node, for those that don’t know, there are two aspects of the moon that are part of our bread and butter, if you will, in the Vedic system, it’s the North Node and the south node, those represent potential points of Eclipse.

Mark Alexander
Okay, so those eclipses… What is an eclipse do? And eclipse, it just blocks out light and creates issues and that sort of thing. But it also has its positive aspects as well. So the north node will definitely represent things that are innovated, out of the ordinary, unusual, that sort of thing. So he is sitting in the sign of Aries with Uranus. What’s Uranus? Uranus is – brings about things of a very unexpected nature when we least expect it type thing. So I think it could help with Jupiter moving in, in the springtime bring about that’s why I was saying that that probably more when we start to see more and more innovation start coming to the public awareness type thing. Let me jump back to Saturn real quick because I am concerned about its its its influence with what’s been going on the last year with Ukraine and Russia – that that I’m very concerned that that’s can just that’s going to keep going for probably a couple more years, unfortunately. But I honestly think also that NATO and other groups are going to be stepping in to try and help. Yes.

Deb Sheppard
Thank you. I said that today. I’m glad you’re saying that. Yes. Okay.

Deb Sheppard
All right. So that’s good, because that’s what I was getting is that it’s other countries are going to step up and say we’re not putting up with this anymore. We’re going to do something yeah,

Mark Alexander
There will be I think there will be a lot of that. And I, you know, Russia is a super nucular superpower. But I Putin’s not crazy. So I think it’ll be resolved in one way or another. But I want to just give kind of a flavor of sometimes what the energy can do. Not that I don’t see this necessarily for what’s happening now. But if you look back historically, like where Saturn was, the last time it was in Aquarius, we’re talking 1994 1995. And what happened? Well, we had some good things we had, you know, NAFTA, if you think that was good, we had the World Trade Organization, we had the EU coming about in its formation, which was all about basically groups trying to come together to be of more service and help to where there’s, we could help economies and other poor countries kind of come up to the plate and have that opportunity to help their countries and their economies. So, but on the, on the challenging side, 1994 We had the Rwandan genocide, which was horrible. And the Bosnian Croatian war in 95, that that was pretty difficult. So that’s what I just said, Well, I kind of see the issues with Ukraine and Russia going on for a while. I don’t, it doesn’t, I mean, when you use the word genocide, that’s, that’s just like, Ugh. I don’t necessarily I don’t look at it in that light this time around. But I do see it, as you know, groups are going to come together NATO, and eventually help kind of get the situation under control.

Deb Sheppard
And I think it goes with what you said that people are going to find the alignment with smaller communities sharing their wisdom. And that’s where I was looking at. What I’m going to share is like, there’s that personal hotspot, there’s also the National so it’s the whole idea of that ripple effect that when you’re affected personally, it’s also affecting the same pattern, globally. Would that make sense to you?

Mark Alexander
Yeah, yeah, I would see, I would see what I, what I intuitively feel and see is there’s – it would be much easier for smaller groups, communities, townships and neighborhoods and that sort of thing. Having an easier time working closer together, you know, the governments are going to have to, they’re going to have to come up and they’re going to have to deal with people going, look you need to come clean with what’s going on.

Mark Alexander
And oddly enough, interestingly, fascinatingly enough – every day, literally every day, you just turn on your internet, and whatever browser or news stream comes up, there’s something about a UFO. But, you know, it’s just like, it’s, this stuff has been under wraps for over 70 years. And there’s a whole other story to that. But it’s great to see that coming. So you know, eventually I think we’ll be seeing more of that.

Deb Sheppard
We’re all coming out of the closet more. Yes. Yeah. Any one big advice for people watching today?

Mark Alexander
Yes. Astrology for sure. Yes. I would strongly recommend that if if you don’t have a meditation practice that you learn and you, you find something that resonates with you, whether it’s tai chi, or walking out in nature, or whatever helps ground you to the sense that you really feel an awareness of being centered and just kind of just okay, you know, I mean, for a lot of folks meditation is it. For some, it’s being out in nature, whatever really kind of helps you – brings you into that space. I think you can’t go wrong. And creating your own environment, whether it’s, I mean, that’s why what I have on my walls in my meditation room, and it you know, it does create an energy that really, really helps a great deal. So, and I was just going to offer just kind of pro bono, you know, the first five people that if they really want to reading, you know, I’ll give them a free hour. Just an email, email, my website,

Deb Sheppard
For Mark, your hour is a lot. I mean, you provide so much information that if it’s not recorded, you’re not going to remember. It’s powerful, and I’ve had I’ve done for my kids and myself and for Dana, and Mark, what I’ve always loved about you, in so many ways is you bring this sense of calmness. So no matter what you’re sharing, and what you’re telling people, there’s a sense of empowerment that I can do. Notice I know I know what’s going on. I know what my values are my tools and how to be able to manage it. So that is one of the most beautiful things about you that I have loved for I don’t know how many years but a lot, for sure. They love you. But I’d love what you shared. I’ve written things down, like, oh my god, we’re just nailing everything. And that’s the beauty of all this intuition – that no matter how we get our intuition, it all aligns the same. It’s just gonna be different words or different tools. And that’s what’s important, though. Whether people love astrology or numerology or what I do. It’s what like you said, what resonates to pull you in and bring you into that.

Deb Sheppard
So what we’re talking about today is what 2023 is going to bring if you’re just joining us. Our next guest is Glynis. O M G. First time I met this woman, she’s on fire, she knows her stuff. She’s the numbers lady, all my students who work with me have to go and connect with Glynis, buy her book, understand numerology. She tells it like it is. She gives you so much information and data. Matter of fact, we talked just briefly today about January and what was going on with Mercury Retrograde. And I was like, yes, yes, yes. There’s nothing I can argue with her about. But you don’t want to argue with her anyway, because she is frickin amazing and has what it takes to really get clarity about your life. So let’s bring on Glynis. Good to see you, girlfriend. There you are. Hearing your voice. I love it. First of all, I have a question because you’re in California. Are you in a rowboat?

Glynis McCants
No, listen, it really destroyed my pool in the backyard. Because if it flooded my lawn into the pool. So now my pool looks like a swamp. I’m looking for an alligator. Or, or frogs. I mean, it’s ridiculous. It is so bad. So yeah, it’s been lots of flooding, lots of flooding. Yeah,

Deb Sheppard
I have a lot of family and friends out there. But I’m glad you’re safe. And dry pavement at least. So yes, we did this last year. Glynis, I’ve had sessions with you. You nail it every single time. And I know your story and you can tell us your story a little bit. This is something that resonated with you early on in life and you just took like basically a fish to water. Yes.

Glynis McCants
Well, I would say actually, it was a calling like it wasn’t something I picked. In numerology, we all have life path numbers, I happen to be three, three, so natural comedians, I’m way past funny, and I did stand up comedy. But I also did numerology because my heart was broken, met somebody who explained, it was just vibration but I actually missed my ex’s mother and sister, not him, that he was toxic to me. And the minute that was said to me, it just clicked. And then I started to learn energy, like one through nine, basic numerology. And I could read anybody within like three days, come on, that’s not possible. And that’s when I knew, for me, it was God-given. So it was a gift. I did 13 years of research. And then I saw some numerology patterns that I decided to put in a book to help people and that’s Glynis Has Your Number, which is still a hotcake. It’s been around since 1997. But it’s a really good go-to book to learn numerology. And then Love By the Numbers was my other book. And that was because of my wonderful husband, Charlie, who I picked by the numbers, and I wanted to share my formula and how it all works. So we have over 5000 people who have gotten married, Deb, through my book, like that we know about.

Deb Sheppard
That should be a dating site.

Glynis McCants
Yes, of course.

Glynis McCants
You know, what technically would I do are we soulmates? That is what I plan on doing is a thing where it’s set up where, let’s say your name is in there permanently. And then when you’re dating, you can pay like a subscription fee to run those numbers. And then you’re literally going to get: run for the hills, or Yes, check that out. You know, it’s going to be very interactive.

Deb Sheppard
I love that. I’m going to make sure I share that. You’re from a big family too, right?

Glynis McCants
I have 11 . Well counting me, I have 11. So that’s five brothers, five sisters and me. So that’s 11 and then Mom and Dad, that’s 13 people. And yes, I do believe I was born into a family this big where I could learn energy, you know, because we’re all very different. And yet, numbers they don’t just speak to me. It is the most obvious thing no matter what it is whether what time I looked at the clock, what building I just walked into, what was the address? Does it feel good to me? And then meeting people. Forget about it. Alright, if I meet someone who’s toxic to me, they don’t have to tell me I can feel it. So what I teach people is to understand. Don’t take it so personally. We all get so offended, so hurt by other people and I’m like, well, what’s the birthday? To me, my brain does not think about events. I’m like, Does this person challenge your energy? Because a toxic energy is a two way street, meaning they also think you are being negative to them, even though you feel it’s happening to you. So what’s beautiful like right now, this new year. 2023 Is the big number. You know, that’s what we look at and say.

Glynis McCants
Okay, what’s going on with this year. So when I break that down, two plus 02, plus three, it’s seven. And seven means Mother Nature is going to speak out so loudly, nobody will ignore her, you will not be able to. And I said this months ago, because I knew it was coming. And sure enough, look at our record breaking storms and floods, it’s already happening. But it’s really about saying this is it. Planet Earth, you know, quit coming up with a spaceship to leave this planet, you’re gonna have to deal with Earth and find ways to get that clean water, get that clean air. That’s the focus. Like if you said to me, what’s a big thing we’re gonna deal with this year? It’s all about nature. It’s all about what we take advantage of, we can no longer do that. We are in – we’re in trouble. When it comes to nature. Yes, we are. And and my heart breaks that we’ve ever politicize that. Because we’re just human beings. All of us need the same thing when it comes to Earth. So that I’m excited about. Funny that your other guest talked about the UFO thing. Do you know my joke about the number seven? When I meet a seven life path human? I say you’re just waiting for that spaceship. And when it gets here, you’re leaving anyway? Especially like, I don’t belong here. I mean, many what are the seven has to be honest. Humans annoy them. Like they can only put up with so much before they’re like, I gotta be by myself again, I need to just regroup.

Deb Sheppard
Dana and I have a couple of friends that said, As soon as the UFOs land, we’re on it, we’re on the ship. And they have really told us that and we believe them because they’re like, I’m out of here.

Glynis McCants
And then check those numbers, I’m sure you’ll find a seven in that chart. Because they, they just can only take so much and that the other thing about seven energies, they tend to love animals because of that unconditional love. As opposed to dealing with humans, right? Dealing with people. There’s a couple of things I want to talk about. You know, every year I talk about things that I believe will happen. And then of course, they come to pass.

Glynis McCants
I’m gonna go quickly on to the Putin versus Zelensky. This is powerful. Last year, I made it very clear. This was before Putin attacked. I said, You know what? He’s in a personal year of five. If he does it, he’s going to regret it. It will not go to plan. Well, I promise you not only is that true, but it’s heartbreaking. I am convinced 1000s of Russians are dead right now. And in Russia, they’re not being told the truth. And that’s not fair. Right? We live. We live in a time where there’s a lot of misinformation. So each person can jump in their own rabbit hole and feel safe. But yes, it’s true. The seven has mystery, but it’s blunt when it comes to the truth. So we’re going to deal with a lot of blunt and bluntness this year. When it comes to honesty, it’s going to be in your face. That’s not something you can ignore. So going to Putin versus Zelensky. Of course, it felt horrible for Zelensky last year when they attack. Because remember he was in denial like he was downplaying it acting like maybe it wasn’t gonna happen. But then he stepped up. And how did he do that? A six life path is the one who rescues the damsel in distress. And we watched Zelensky become that person. I mean, he, I love the line when Joe Biden said, Listen, we can give you a ride out of there. He said, I don’t need a ride. I need ammunition. And I thought, Wow, what a powerful statement.

Glynis McCants
So that last year, they were both of the cycle five, which means it was out of control for both of them. But remember, Zelensky didn’t sign up for this. Putin did. Putin did. It was his plan. And it has been a disaster. And if you’ve paid attention, it’s monthly easily that a general disappears, right. One of the top generals just was brushing his teeth, but he fell out a building, you know, the oligarchs every time we turn around? Oh, yeah, you know, he killed his kids and his wife, and then he hung himself. This is all a lie. So what it really means is there’s a real problem happening. And yes, I agree this, the war itself may take some time. But I do believe this year, Putin is in serious trouble. Yes, I do. And when people talk about his health and say, you know, is it true or not true? I’m convinced that because he’s double seven, he has internalized all the stuff he’s upset about and that promotes sickness – that promotes us not feeling well. So yes, I believe more will be revealed about the health. And if this continues down the road it is I just don’t think Putin will be in power for for years and years to come. No, no, no, no.

Deb Sheppard
What does a double seven mean to our viewers because this might be,

Glynis McCants
You’re born on a seventh day, let’s say you’re on the 16th. One plus six is seven, and then your full date of birth reduces to another seven. That’s double seven. And here’s a fun one for you on that. Regarding Putin seven, because they don’t want you know, in the business, what about the KGB? Is that not the same idea? It’s a mystery. It’s a secret, you don’t know what’s going on. So again, when I meet sevens, I can make the joke, 007 right? Bond, James Bond. You know, you don’t know my story. They just don’t want you to know the whole story. And going back to Zelensky. Here’s why this year’s powerful for him, he happens to be a six lifepath. And he’s entered a personal year of six. Putin is a seven life path, he’s entered a personal year of six. When you are a seven lifepath in a personal year of six, that means you can feel confused and not sure about things you’re doing.

Glynis McCants
Well, you can imagine that would be high stress, wouldn’t it for Russia, if Putin is not sure, you know, he – if nothing else, he comes off as competent. I see some, some cracks this year, because of the seven, six. In the case of Zelensky, because he’s a six life path in a personal year of six. That it I should say it bodes well for the strength of who he is. But of course, I’d be the first to say I’m afraid for that man every single day. You know, we know what Putin is willing to do. We know that people get poisoned. We know that people die. But he’s in a strong cycle to make his case and get others feeling called to help. There’s a call to help. And that happens in this cycle as well.

Deb Sheppard
Good. That seems to be a theme of what I’m gonna be sharing as well as what Mark said. So what else do you want people to know this year for 2023.

Glynis McCants
Here’s another one that I want to talk about just when it comes to personalities out there. Prince Harry, you know, Prince Harry. He’s been vilified for telling his story, right? And they vilify Meghan. But what’s interesting, it is in his numbers. He’s a one life path. If you tell a one to go left, and they don’t like the way you set it, they go right. So you can’t control them. And that’s the truth about him. He is crusading for his mother. His mom was so much.Yeah, yeah, he’s doing the same thing was like, You know what? And by the way, he’s also got the six, which is rescuing the damsel in distress, when he saw what was happening to Megan. So I’ll be attacked, saw the paparazzi – he’s like, oh, no, no, no, no, not on my watch. I’m not gonna have this happen again. Whereas if he had stayed, his father said, Look, you just got to grin and bear it. It’s the way it is. He wasn’t going to accept that. But I will tell you my prediction regarding him. Right now he’s talking up the storm. And he’s got that book out there, right? Well, this year 2023 is a seven. And when you do his numerology. He’s in a personal year of four. Well in 2005, when he wore the Nazi costume. Remember, he says he never gets over it. He regrets it every day. He was in a personal year of four when that happened too. So that tells me he’s going to regret some of the stuff he revealed. See. He’s just being too blunt, too honest. So that’s going to show itself as well.

Glynis McCants
I just love all of this, as you know, I mean, it’s my favorite thing in the world, to study energy and see, was that a good idea for you or not? You know, and what – will you regret that or you are going to be okay with it? And so the thing I’d like to teach you guys today, we all have a life path number and that’s what they hear me talking about. I’m talking about life path I’m talking about personal year. So in this case, I’m going to give you a date of birth that I came up with while waiting in that room not that in the back room but waiting in my own room. So here it is, you take the date of birth- write this down 2 2 1977. So someone born 2/2 1977 and then you add it straight across two plus two plus one plus nine plus seven plus seven. When you break that down, it becomes 28 But in numerology, we’re gonna keep going because we’re just gonna go for basic numbers one through nine. So two plus eight is 10. One plus zero is one what is a one life path? Now ones of course – naturally these are people who strive to be the best at what they do. You know they want to succeed. They’re high energy but when what what I’m really talking about is the world number. What happens if the world number seven challenges you? What do you do with that? So I’m going to walk through each number like I happen to know Deb, you’re at nine life path. And Dana is a 2 life path. Correct?

Deb Sheppard
Yes, absolutely.

Glynis McCants
Okay, so we’re talking about what that means, like, what are you going to do with this energy? Oh, and there’s something I want everyone to know that I’m excited about. The seven gives you permission to step back. It does get, you know, the ones of us who feel the need to just keep going, and we owe everybody and we’re overwhelmed. No, no, the sevens like, forget it. Just back up, work on you. Who are you? What are you doing here? You know, what is your life purpose? What brings you joy? What brings you joy? And then get you back to that. So here we go. We know that one happens to be a natural match the seven, these are the mind numbers. So I would say to someone who’s a one, make sure you take a trip, get out of your regular environment, because you’re going to be incredibly restless if you stay put.

Glynis McCants
The number 2 – This is the deep feeling energy, like meaning they they can be strong, they can be opinionated, but if they think they hurt someone they love, they feel really bad about it. Like they’re haunted by it. In this year, the seven and the two is in alignment for spiritual break. Like it gives you a permission again to say I’m going to relax, you know, I’m going to find a way. Sure we can have our goals on our plans. But let’s take a time out. The two will appreciate that. And you know, two and seven are the ones that appreciate spirit energy. So Deb, what you do, Dana is going to be more in alignment this year than ever – like she will she will be more clear on how to deal with you.

Deb Sheppard
Yes, I do get that.

Glynis McCants
Right. And you know, because jumping in too quickly, speaking too fast, is never a good idea. As I know, the seven because the two is always coming from an emotional place of, hey, I love you, I want to help you, we can fix this. But the seven says pull back, give it a second, check the timing. And when you do that, it makes your life easier. So that’s the two.

Glynis McCants
Then number three. Now I’m a three. So three is natural comedian, the communicator, they express themselves. But again, the seven says, ah, take a time out. What about you? What about your health? How do you feel? You know, what are you eating? Any compulsive behavior? Are you drinking too much? Are you not getting sleep like that? That seven is considered in the purest form. It’s got energy. So I just – it’s my favorite. Because the more spiritual more spiritual you are, the more you feel it this year. So again, three is communication. Seven says it’s okay sometimes to just shut it down.

Glynis McCants
And then the number four, now people that are four life paths, these are the ones seeking knowledge. And Dana, I know you have a four significant in your chart. What’s your birthday?

August 4,

Glynis McCants
Aren’t I right? And I don’t even have your birthday in front of me. I just knew that was part of you. But here’s what it means. Because the four six knowledge they have great permission in the cycle to do so. Like if it’s somebody out there who is a writer or maybe you felt called to write a book, or there’s a course you want to take, the four seven energy invites you to do it. It’s very in alignment with itself. But it’s also about nature. Getting back out there. Ocean, mountains, plants, flowers, beauty, the full moon.

Deb Sheppard
That’s so her! That’s so her.

Glynis McCants
Yes. And then the seven shows off. Because remember what I said, even though it’s scary, some of the things Mother Nature’s doing, it tends to be pretty beautiful, right? Like, you should clean things up. Like it looks bad. And then when it goes away, you’re like, oh, wow, wow, look at the sky. After all that rain, it’s much clearer, much more beautiful. That’s Mother Nature. So the four seven energy appreciates it.

Glynis McCants
And then the five, the five and the seven are in alignment. But five is considered a high frequency vibration. The seven says calm down. You know, don’t don’t push yourself so hard that you get sick. And by the way, let’s talk about sick. Let’s talk about COVID and RSV, and all these stupid things. What’s really happening? I do love humans when we decide, you know, it doesn’t matter. You know, I’ve decided I’m over it. Well, guess what? It’s not over you. And so,

Deb Sheppard
I love the way you just said that? Yeah.

Glynis McCants
It’s not over you! You know, you might be over Covid or the flu, but it’s not over you. And that means it will show up again. And so for me personally, you know, when I finally did my live event after two years of not doing a live event, and there was a gal coughing and sneezing in front of me, and I’m like, Oh my gosh, are you sick? Oh no, it’s just allergies. It was not. It was that horrible RSV virus, and I got so sick. And I thought that’s not fair.

Glynis McCants
So what I’m asking people to do, why don’t again, this never should have been politicized. But it is, but I’m saying to you as a human being, you got a cough? You don’t feel good? Wash your hands. Can you just do that? You throw on a little mask? Can you do that for Aunt Glynnis? Because I’d sure appreciate it. Why would any of us want to hurt each other? That’s what I’m telling you in the cycle of seven, let’s just be more considerate. It’s not about what we believe, as much as, people are getting sick. And I mean, look at the award ceremony, the Critics Choice Award? There were like, 10 of them, 10 top stars were infected. Well, of course they were. They were all hugging and touching and loving each other. But I’m telling you, the virus sticks around, we’re gonna get through it, of course, we will, oh my goodness, we’re not going to live like this forever. But we can’t deny when a bug shows up that it’s not there. Let’s just be aware so we can get rid of it. Let’s not let it reinvent itself. And that’s big this year. So be aware of that.

Glynis McCants
So you got the five, seven, I say with that: travel again. When the five goes on an adventure, they’re the happiest people in the world. They love to look at the world, they meet the coolest people. Like when I made a five life path that’s living in that zone; they have the best stories from all over the world. And they’ll show me pictures like where there in Sri Lanka sitting on a an elephant, right? They do this. They’re in a waterfall, they jumped off this massive waterfall. That’s five energy. So I’m saying the seven says this year, go for that do that.

Glynis McCants
Six life path, now remember what I said six life path, it can promote that confusion. Six energy tends to be the ones in control. We like to be in charge. We like to call the shots. But I’m suggesting the six you don’t have to do it all. You know you don’t have to, because they’re so afraid. If they don’t do it, it won’t get done. And what’s happening is the seven says again, time out for the hard workers: meditation, yoga, for me affirmations, I’m an affirmation queen. Get your head- Do you know what it is? I like this. It just came to me. Deb. It’s having a love affair with yourself going within you. Instead of running frantically out there. Give me an answer, the answers with you.

Glynis McCants
Yeah, and of course, that makes me think of the Wizard of Oz, which is like there’s no place like home, no place like home. They’re like you’re at home, you were already home. Same idea. The seven is saying look within so when the six feels frustrated, or gets upset and confused, timeout. Start affirming do something, say something different. Change the subject, put on the music, watch the funny video, get back in the moment.

Glynis McCants
And then we go to 777. Wow, to the seven seven. What that means is sevens already have that loner quality, like I said, sometimes they want to be left alone. When you’ve got double seven? there’s anything they can do with their mind, you know, they’re very creative. Big stuff can happen if they focus. I’ll give you an example who’s had some trouble Elon Musk, he’s a seven. And look, he was able to create so many wonderful things. And then he jumped into something that may not be ideal for him. You know, Twitter is a tough platform. And in his mind, he thought, you know, people love it the same way I do. And so as a result, it’s been difficult. So, because he’s seven dealing with seven energy, he needs to stop and go back within, do not defend, because once we start defending ourselves, we’ve already lost, right? It’s not about defending ourselves. It’s about regrouping and saying how do I do it differently? What can I do to make this successful? Seven, seven invites you to get your answer. If you’re a seven life path, and the seven world number that part’s great. And then we have to find out what that personal year cycle is which we’re not doing with you today. I’m just keeping it simple.

Glynis McCants
Now if you’re an eight life path and a cycle of seven, eight again it’s an outspoken energy it’s not uncommon for is to go into politics because they feel strongly about what they believe. eights, many eights appreciate beauty. Like you might meet someone who’s an eight and they’ve got like a beautiful diamond ring like whoa, that’s so pretty. They’re an eight. Liz Taylor comes to my mind because she had eight’s all of her chart, let alone was she an eight. But also eight energy should always look at their health. How do I really feel how’s my back? How’s my shoulders? How’s my neck? Am I good? Because by doing that they can dodge the bullet, you know, dodge the problem that comes up later. Because again, what did I say? If we think of seven as spiritual energy, Source Energy, God energy, the universe. Use it. Use it to your advantage. I have some wonderful breakthroughs. And then I would say to the eight, because the sevens also blend, it’s a very honest energy, be careful what flies out of your mouth. I can’t mean it enough. Because when they’re too direct or too honest, the blowback is not good. You know, so it’s better just sometimes you just stop and consider, I’ll talk about that later. Or maybe I’ll circle back and share what I think later. Not in that moment, especially when you feel angry. So it’s not uncommon that the eight and the seven number could be upset because they, if they see an injustice, they want to do something about it. Take a deep breath, pause and write out what your plan is, that would be smarter, and then move forward. And then finally, the nine life path. The nine life path? Well, what’s kind of nice about this, you know, nine is considered the old soul. So this goes back to you Deb, they have to let go of issues from the original family. Because there’s still scars from the past, they still-

Deb Sheppard
I’m still working on it Glynis, I’m still working.

Glynis McCants
Well, and all nines could say the same thing. But what it is, there’s one of two things that happen, they either have to let it go and find a way to be in the moment, or they are so devoted, that they lose their life to the family. And that’s not helpful either do you see? So I would say to the nines, don’t do that. Do not give yourself so completely, to let’s say a parent who’s having health issues. Surely when they pass you’re, you’re sickly too? Right? You follow? No, no, no! That’s not what we’re doing here. We need to love we need to be there for each other, but we must establish boundaries. And that is when I say to the nines, just like you Deb, the music is your best friend happy silly music. And then you got your movies, you’ve got maybe even a fun book, just something that changes the subject in your head, whatever is troubling you, pull it back. And then by the way, the seven will give you an answer the seven loves when we get still and quiet. The seven loves to tell us what’s up, always, always.

Deb Sheppard
I just adore you, you know that? You know, if this is all new to you, as you know, all of this stuff, numerology. I will tell you that she- Glynis, you know, that night when he talked about family and not to lose yourself, that’s 100%. And I think when you have that awareness or that information, you go, Okay, I have permission, or I know what I can do and comedy and music. And that pulling back is 100% tools that you totally get it. I mean, that’s that’s the part of it that we just go, what do I need? So I don’t get pulled down the rabbit hole. And I don’t get into that destructive behavior that I can do. And I think that’s what you provide on so many different levels.

Glynis McCants
Here’s another thing I note that happens when you spend time with toxic energy. What happens is you become toxic too, like suddenly you’re ugly, you know, you’ll say horrible things is I cannot believe that came out of my mouth. Because you’re dealing with energy that’s not healthy for you. If you understand the energy, you can’t fall into that. You cannot fall into that toxic place. You can make a note say, oh typical four! Oh, Typical five! You can just make a note. So you’re right. Yeah, I heard you talk earlier. With, it’s Mark? Correct? Yeah, the Vedic astrologer, you made it clear that we all have different tools. But the truth is? Truth is one thing. And many tools will make you find it.

Glynis McCants
I mean, that’s the whole point. It’s when people think there’s so many- I mean, look, we’ve lived in a society where they say, well, there’s alternative facts. Now there’s not. No there’s not. And I do know, right? When it comes to who we are. We don’t have that luxury. We only have one thing and it’s truth. And if we can’t get to the truth, then we’re blocking ourselves, that’s the other key, like giving this information to your audience, helping them learn, you know, giving them books on astrology, giving them books in numerology, giving them information you share. It’s to help them have a better life, right now, today. Not you know, in a couple years, it’s going to be better. No, it’s now. What can I do to have a great life now? And the Seven World Number invite you, to look within to get those answers.

Deb Sheppard
I just, can anyone that’s looking to get a- Glynis, you have a class coming up, can you please? Because my students all follow you bought your book, they learned about numerology and they’re like, oh, and they now say to me, I saw this and this is my number and they’re talking. Yeah, it becomes that language that is our common denominator with all us.

Glynis McCants
That’s so true. I’m gonna tell you one thing that happened. When you and I when I spoke briefly? Well later, when I looked at the clock, I was getting, of course getting my act together because I actually looked like Albert Einstein until I got it together. That’s simply a fact my hair, it my husband calls it a burning bush. Okay, it is ridiculous. So-

Deb Sheppard
I signed up numbers and science. So that’s perfect. Yeah.

Glynis McCants
So when I looked at the clock, it’s said 333. And I, it made me smile. Because Deb, this goes back to your energy, like what I’ve learned in experience, and you know, I’m incredibly psychic. My tool is numbers, you know, my third eye opens. But when someone is truly gifted, I get a chill. And when I watched you do your readings, you know, when you were doing your show on YouTube, I was blown away, because it was such a clear channel. That’s what I keep talking about. And I believe, aren’t you born on a seven day? What’s your birthday?

Deb Sheppard
He says 25th. Yes, seven. Yes! Seven!

Glynis McCants
You know what saying? Okay, so I’ll tell you that about seven. That means you have to get rid of all of you. Like you have to surrender. When you do your reads. You’re not even there, you’re just a vehicle. And you know, there’s no greater number than seven, to say it’s coming right through me. That’s all, I’m just here to help. And, and that’s what I picked up when I watched you do your healing. I mean I could tell, you were just talking. It was like a free flowing communication. But it was so accurate. It was so true. And I thought, what a blessing. What a blessing that you have, not only been called to it, but that you’re so good at it. And I think- I also think, you’re always grateful about that. Like, I think you’re incredibly humble about your gift. I don’t see any ego in your work whatsoever. And that’s, you know what I say about seven sevens either thank God or think they’re god. Oh, oh, yes, and that’s there too.

Glynis McCants
So 333 is Angel energy. And it means call to motivate and uplift others. And of course, what the three of us are doing today is that. We’re just here to motivate and uplift others, and then go into my course, what I’m doing, like you just heard me talk about a life path. And we’ve talked about the world number. My course, which is the 28th. It’s on Saturday, it’s to focus on your personal year cycle. Because whatever cycle you’re in, you’re gonna want to have to figure out like, how do I navigate that? It kind of gives you the heads up of what to focus on. Example, if you’re in a personal year of six, it’d be a great cycle to get pregnant with someone trying to get pregnant or start a business.

Glynis McCants
But if you’re in a personal year five, that would be more like, I gotta go on trips. I need to just love me more, take care of me. Don’t- Don’t make any big decisions, like, move or quit that job because I could end up regretting it. So yeah, I go in depth into that. I talked about what I said last year, what’s in store for this year. And the other thing I’m doing is letting them submit some questions. So we can answer a little throughout the workshop. And for your group, and this is only today, the 20th, if they sign up for the workshop, they get my numerology calendar 2023, the PDF version. And it’s- do you have yours? Did you ever get yours yet from us?

Deb Sheppard
Yes, we love it.

Everyone needs to get it, okay?

Deb Sheppard
Yes, yes. Everybody.

Glynis McCants
I’ll make sure you both get them from us, oh, Vanessa, send them but here’s the thing. All it is. All what I do is I study each day energy, there’s three energies in every day. All I try to do, if you had to have surgery, which is always frightening to people or a doctor’s appointment, or you have like a pitch meeting and you need people to hear you. Or you’re gonna go on a trip, you want to pick the perfect day to go and come back. That’s what the calendar is, it’s like giving you the best days to schedule the most important things and your life. And then if it’s a caution day, all it means is the energy is not in alignment with you. But if you play it right, that means you don’t engage, you don’t let people push your buttons. You can still have a great day, good things can happen. But when you watch other, like the light stuff working right, or electronics, the all the stupid stuff. You could go oh, well, it’s a costume day for many, you will make a note of it. So yeah, they get that as a gift for being a part of the class.

That’s wonderful. That is wonderful.

Deb Sheppard
And I know that when Dana and I, last minute got married, you said, Why didn’t you call me? and it’s okay, you get approved.

Glynis McCants
I just couldn’t believe it! I’m like you didn’t tell- you didn’t ask me about picking the perfect wedding date! But that is like two things that knock me out.

We will never do that again.

Glynis McCants
Picking a baby’s name when the baby’s in the Mama’s tummy to ensure their compatibility, that knocks me out because I get feedback years later, they’re like, everything you said, is what my son is today or everything you said is what my daughter is. It’s so wonderful to embrace our energy and understand it, so that we can bring out the best in each other.

Deb Sheppard
Absolutely. Yeah. You know? I love and adore you.

Glynis McCants
Thank you.

Deb Sheppard
And matter of fact, what I wrote prior to this, just feeds into it. I mean, you, you just feed our soul girlfriend. Thank you so much.

Glynis McCants
Thank you. And thank you for having me on. It was fun.

Everybody, get get connected with Glynis. And go ahead and sign up for her course today, to see if you can get your PDF numerology calendar, yes.

Glynis McCants
And what they can also do, if they want to look up their life path, because you just heard me talk about it. Numberstudy.com. If you go there and click on the menu, link, it says numbers and it shows you how to find your life path and gives you your little definition. And that way they can listen to this again, and hear my message about that seven, seven versus their life path, that would be good for them. Okay?

Deb Sheppard
Thank you girlfriend, thank you, thank you,

Glynis McCants
thank you ladies bye bye.

Deb Sheppard
So I don’t get to use the astrology and numerology, I sort of just sit with it and then figure out what I’m getting. And for me, the validation has been everything that Mark and Glynis said, fills in the things that I was getting today. So what I’m going to share is what I’m seeing for 2023. And then some insights and tools that you can use. Again, if you don’t have a pen and paper, you can come back and listen to it again. But what was really great about all this is 2023 is introspection, Wake up and smell the coffee. We’ve all heard about- and Glynis was just saying this about being pregnant, we have all these reveal parties now going on.

Deb Sheppard
I believe 2023 is a reveal party, that so many things are going to come out, that were hidden for such a long time. So when I was joking with Mark about coming out of the closet, that’s what we’re gonna see in 2023. And this is not only in a global way, with politics, religion, all those different things that are out there, or companies, but also with our own personal life, so we may see it globally, but what you’re going to see in your own personal life is things coming to the surface, being revealed. I’ve already seen it recently. And I know a lot of my clients and my students have seen it.

Deb Sheppard
Late December, all of a sudden, all these things are coming up and revealing themselves. You may think, oh, there’s just a lot of drama, this is a lot of difficulty. But actually what it means is, maybe you’ve had these feelings or things that you’re like not sure of, and as it shows up, you get to go, oh, that’s what it’s all about. And instead of looking for an outside, validating, this is an opportunity for you to say, I knew it, I feel it. And now it’s time to make a change.

Deb Sheppard
So Glynis was talking about Harry writing his book Spare. Well, I am a, sorry to reveal this, but I am basically a royal watcher, I love to see what’s going on. And as part of my DNA, I- my ancestors are from there. But I really like watching what’s going on. When I watched and saw all the interviews with Harry and Megan, there was so much controversy about, you know, they’re saying all these negative things and what’s going to happen in the long run. Well, if you look back, his mother died, Princess died, trying to bring some of these things to reveal and share. But you know, we were not in a time that we could actually go any further. It was not part of our history to be able to reveal that. So, what I think is fascinating, is that he calls it the institution, that these things are now being shown. And what’s interesting about the royal family is they’re hiding. What they’ve done for over 1200 years, is, they hide behind what I call now, is sort of the glass ceiling. We’re talking about the glass walls, you know, things are now starting to crack and be revealed that we’re seeing things that we didn’t see before.

Deb Sheppard
One of the things that we’re noticing is, even in the Supreme Court here in America, if you’re watching from overseas, is the leak that came out about abortion, all of a sudden these things are starting to come out. And we’re realizing that things are being revealed that people were hiding from before. So with politics, religion, all institutions, all things that are out there are changing. Even today we saw so many companies are now downsizing, where why didn’t they say in the last couple of years they have made changes, where there’s 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10,000 employees that are being released from companies. All of that, again, is being revealed. We look at this as being negative.

Deb Sheppard
One of the things I thought about was a song I can see clearly now with Johnny Nash, What was it, the song, some of the words is I can see all the obstacles in my way. So if we think that these things are coming up and it’s negative, it really is about everything showing up so we can have some clarity to make some good decisions as we move forward. The other thing that came to mind as I was writing this information, and if you haven’t watched it, the movie, A Good Few Men with Jack Nicholson, you can’t handle the truth. Part of this is, so many things are coming forward, for us to be able to say, I don’t know what I want to do, but this, I’m not putting my money there. I’m not gonna spend my energy there. This is not working for me.

Deb Sheppard
And what Mark and Glynis was saying, is where do we want to spend our energy? And what I talked about in one of our podcasts is energy coins. Where do you want to spend your energy? Do you want to keep making something work? Are you looking at it going? Yeah, I don’t want to do this anymore. Whether it’s a relationship or your career, or your health, whatever it is that you’re making these changes. So as things are being revealed for 2023 its allowing you to make some really clear decisions about what works for you, and what doesn’t. And I know for Dana and I, we’ve been seeing so many things come up in the last couple of months of saying, I kind of felt that energy, I felt that vibration, and now it’s even more clear of the choices I need to make.

Deb Sheppard
So the other thing that Mark was talking about and a little bit was Glynis was technology, artificial intelligence technology, you’re gonna see really speeding up, but you don’t have to participate. Or you can look at how does this benefit me? Where do I want to go? And it’s just that moving of everything in change and transformation. And I think it’s really good that we’re making these advancements, but also going back to things such as communication, humor, gatherings, having that community that really aligns with you. So part of this is also saying, if you’re out there in a situation and things are being revealed, that don’t work for you, are you finding that community that vibrates with you? That supports you? that you feel connected to?Aand it may be a very different energy than what you’ve been experiencing. So when Glynis was talking about my number and family in that vibration, how much energy do I want to spend to reconnect? Or do I want to find people that are supportive and align to help support where I’m going versus me feeling guilty and continue to pull me back?

Deb Sheppard
Because when you have that energy and positivity and that support, you begin to align better, feel better, and you’re able to create the things that really make a difference for you. The other thing I thought about too, is, it stopped- It’s looking for not having approval, when we look at social media, when we look at approval, likes, influencers, I think a big part of this in the next couple of years, is changing what are the benefits for you? So the people out there that have had a lot of limelight or things that we see as, wow, how come they have that and I don’t? What I can do or am I lacking? We’re going to review that a little differently and have different expectations.

Deb Sheppard
And what Glynis said to I thought was important, we’re going to sit back a little bit process and say, we’re going to question things versus just accepting what’s out there and thinking that’s how I should be. So it’s a balancing act, even if you don’t know what path you want to be on. I think what happens is things are sharp starting to show up, it’s going to reveal what path you want to be on versus the approval what other people think the path you should be on. The other thing I thought was really powerful today that I was, you know, writing all this stuff down is, knowledge is power, but what are you gonna do with it? When we look at all the, as Harry says, All these institutions, all these things that are set up for us? What are we doing with that? What are people in those places? And what is the knowledge that is that we have that we can use? And how are we controlling others with that power? It’s important to understand that, in the last couple of years, we’ve seen hashtag me too. We’ve seen where people have felt violated. And there has been companies that have taken advantage of people, organizations that have taken people’s money and done things that are not good. And so some people want to speak out, but there’s a price to pay. And that price to pay means Judgment and abandonment and things like that. So when you have that information, what are you doing with it and how are people supporting you? I look at Harry and Megan as certainly pioneers.

Deb Sheppard
You know, there’s a lot of judgment about how much money they’re making and what they’re doing with what they’re saying. And they should be doing things differently. Bottom line is they’re talking about a organization for over 1200 years, that’s taken money. And those people have not been transparent, let’s say, it doesn’t matter whether their stories are always right or wrong. But the bottom line here is that they’re sharing their story. They’re trying to find their knowledge and their power and finding their way. We may want to look at ourselves and say, are we worried about having to voice about what is wrong? and what is right? And are we willing to be out there to have a voice and be okay with what comes with it? There are so many times when women are being judged for what happened to them 20 years ago, and people will say, well, they just want money, isn’t it okay for them to have a voice to be able to see what happened to them? So that it gives power to other people to be able to have a voice as what’s happened to them. This isn’t about hurting somebody, or, you know, getting money, but it certainly is about what’s wrong with finding out the truth, and changing things, that, maybe no longer work. When I look at Ukraine, or what’s going on in the country, is it okay that we have a voice or participate or change what doesn’t work? And I think so many times we play small, versus having the ability to know the knowledge and what we can do as a community, a world, a nation, a country of, you know, whatever it is, to make change.

Deb Sheppard
And I also believe when we talk about what goes on in climate, whether you believe in climate issues, or climate change, or what we should do, it’s important to take an active role in our planet. And those that end up coming after us to make change. I think this year is are you willing to show up, be vulnerable, share what you do know find your community that can support you, have a voice? And I think the biggest thing is stop being concerned with everyone else thinks and be true to yourself. And that is a hard thing to do. I know when I was being raised, I was told worry about what other people think, be concerned what other people are gonna say about you. And there’s a point where people going to have an opinion no matter what, why don’t you do what’s really powerful, what is the knowledge you have and how can you help another person, that, maybe you can set a stage for other people to find their voice?

Deb Sheppard
Okay, I hope 2023 is a blessed year for you.

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