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Authenticity and Judgement

To be authentic means there is a chance you will be judged, sometimes harshly.

As a spiritual teacher, for 20 years I have taught and still teach that being authentic and vulnerable takes courage.  In my belief system, being vulnerable does not mean you are weak, it takes a tremendous amount of courage to share your story and to be the authentic you.  

Be authentic to your soul.

I also teach the true meaning of unconditional love.  When I ask student what “unconditional love” means I get many different definitions. Some say-it is to love someone no matter what they do, to accept your loved one as they are. My favorite is their dog gives them unconditional love and that is how they know what it is. These are all true but this is my definition- being authentic to your soul and allow others to love you the only way they can.  Can they accept that you are not like them and don’t think like them? Is judgement the only way they can love you?

What we are taught is too project a version of ourselves in attempt to have others accept us.  Meaning, they love the person they want you to be because that is what you project.  Their beliefs, their religion, their ideas.  They are not loving you, they are loving what you are doing for them or showing them.  It validates them and tells them that they are doing the right thing for their own life.  Sometimes you will even compromise your own authenticity to be accepted.  This is when we begin to lose who we truly are and then wonder why things are not going the direction we desire.

During this time we are dealing with so much unrest, the pandemic, social divisiveness, and like me, you may see that there are so many perspectives out there. This is the way it should be, we are not all standing for the same thing, we will look at things differently.

I upset the apple cart.

I want to share my story with you in hopes that this may help some of you during this time.  This past week on my personal social media page, I proposed a question. It was meant to be thought provoking and to truly gain some understanding for myself.   Many people have told me that they don’t post political or religious topics on social media, because they get push back and I did it anyway. I upset the apple cart and walked away from the conversation hurt by the very personal attack.

It took me sometime to begin to process this ordeal. I was feeling as if everything I stood for was being deeply criticized by a friend.  It was very raw and I am sensitive, I feel others emotion’s and would never intentionally hurt anyone.  

Do you want to be on an island?

My wonderful partner, Dana felt for me and we had been talking about this as she was helping me process.   She came in from the yard and said to me, “I have been thinking about this, do you want to be an island, or do you want to be vulnerable, you are a spiritual teacher and you will be judged?”  

This is what I believe and teach, so this is my time to walk it.  We have a duty to speak out when we don’t agree with things in our world.

Why are some people so afraid of understanding those that are not like them? We each have our own perspective but our experience is ALWAYS different that someone else’s.   I believe that by looking beyond our own circumstances to see another persons point of view we can create the balance we all need right now.  

My Promise.

This experience taught me and as I start my new podcast next month, I promise to always be transparent, authentic and vulnerable.  I will have judgement, I am sure of it, but as a spiritual teacher, I can’t sit and do nothing when I can use my voice for good.  We can open our eyes and we can see the authenticity of what is happening in our world.    

Please provide your insight into our current situation.  I really want to hear from you. Share with me some things you would like me to talk about on the podcast. I will choose one of you for a reading with me.  

Let’s be authentic and transparent to create the change.

When Animals Are Around Pay Attention

As far back as I can remember, I have had animals.  Dog, cats, parakeets, fish, hamsters, and even a horse.  When I had kids, we brought more animals into our lives because I believe they are essential to learning about empathy, compassion and unconditional love.  Currently, Dana and I have two dogs and two cats.  

I love seeing post’s about animals.  Have you noticed that currently we are seeing more posts about wild animals enjoying roaming areas that are usually filled with tons of people?   It really is fun to see.

When animals are around, pay attention.

We are connected to animals in so many ways.  There is an activity I do every class I teach, where before you enter you choose a card from a deck of animal oracle cards, which then becomes your Totem animal for the class.  I believe animals are great messengers.  Most of the time I find that the card you have chosen for class resonates and speaks to exactly what you are experiencing in life either in the past or right now.    There is one time I had a student pull a card that brought a negative memory up for her, and she even though about leaving the class, but she stayed and realized it was exactly the card she needed, and it spoke to her.   When animals are around, pay attention.  Especially, the ones you are not expecting to see.  Look up the spiritual meaning of the animal.  

Recently, we went to the zoo which I hadn’t been in a few years.  Of course, with COVID-19 we had guidelines to adhere too, but it was still enjoyable.  We walked by a mother rhinoceros with her 6-month-old baby which I’m sure was 400-500 lbs. but still so adorable.  Just around the bend, we walked to a large gated area when I saw the biggest rhinoceros I’d ever seen.  This dude was very large and walked slowing in his pen.  Of course, I had to look up the spiritual meaning of rhinoceros, which I found resonates in my life right now and was a good message for me.  It said, I need to delve deeper to know the truth and look beyond the masks that people wear, as well as to not be quick to judge people based only on stereotypes and prejudices.  Certainly, something I needed to hear, again.

Can they see energy?

Animals are extremely intuitive; they see and feel energy.  Animals in the wild have a very strong intuition, their senses keep them alive, and they must protect their young, survive attacks from predators, survive natural disasters.  I believe that they also communicate telepathically.  Have you noticed your dog or cat staring into the air, but you don’t see what they are seeing?  They are truly seeing energy. 

I remember awhile back my kids had taken my little white dog Jaycee on a walk.  As they began walking on the sidewalk, Jaycee stopped and wouldn’t go any future.  They looked ahead and saw a fox coming their way.  I’m sure Mr. Fox was looking for dinner. 

How many times when you have been sad that your pet comes up and lays his head or entire body on you?  During COVID-19 and the quarantines have you felt closer to your pet.  Have they helped you get through some tough days?  Animals understand emotions and know how to help us heal.  A cat purr frequency is actually a healing frequency.  It just amazes me how animals are so interconnected to us.   

We have the same ability with our intuition.

As humans we are also born with the same intuition, however we are told to not listen, follow facts not your intuition.  When I don’t listen, I certainly regret it.  Have you?

Animals simply trust their intuition and use it daily.  Observing animals can also help you develop your sixth sense.  A little story from our world, I have always loved horses and wanted Dana to enjoy them as well.  Before our vacation last year she decided to take riding lessons so we could go riding on the beach because she knows how much I love riding.  These guys are big, and it can be overwhelming to even be close to one.  She was fearful of horses due to their size and was a bit intimidated.  However, putting her mind to it, Dana learned a lot from her lessons and was able to really enjoy the experience.   The way you lean or lightly kick their shank they know what you want them to do. 

Riding a horse is one way you can learn to trust yourself more and feel a little more empowered.  Horses are wonderful therapy; they know what we need.  We learn what we need, how to trust our gut and follow through on what we are feeling.

During your day pay attention to the energy around you especially animals.  If you are on a walk or driving around and see an animal- take a second to google the meaning, it’s probably something you need to hear and understand. Look it up-google “he spiritual meaning of….” and see what the universe is trying to tell you.


Deb Sheppard

Helping Parents Heal-Colorado Chapter

Finally!!! I am so excited that I can share this with you! The Colorado Chapter of Helping Parent’s Heal is open!

A Little Bit About Helping Parents Heal

Helping Parents Heal is a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting bereaved parents by providing support and resources to aid in the healing process. They allow the open discussion of spiritual experiences and evidence for the afterlife, in a non-dogmatic way. They too believe that there are many factors that contribute to the healing process. In addition, to support from family and friends, people often find peace and a sense of purpose in learning more about evidence for the continuation of consciousness after physical death. Some people find comfort in their religious faith, while others don’t have a specific set of beliefs. Regardless of your religious background or beliefs, there are a variety of phenomena, which have been experienced by millions of people and studied by numerous researchers, pointing to the eternal nature of the human soul or spirit.

Proud to Be Certified

I am truly honored to be recommended and certified and also a continuous guest speaker and spiritual advisor for the Colorado group. Completing a very thorough and extensive certification process with 5 blind reading tests. I am one of a few Mediums to complete this comprehensive process. This program is committed to identifying high-caliber mediums capable of furnishing specific, accurate, and pertinent information to sitters.

Support Group Meetings in Colorado

In this safe environment, people can talk about their child, and speak about their spiritual experiences.

First Thursday of each month at 7:00PM starting in July 2020.

This will be a virtual meeting using Zoom each month.

Third Thursday of each month at 7:00PM starting in June 2020.

This is a virtual meeting using Zoom until we can safely offer a face-to-face meeting at a location.  We will announce and publish info about the selected location when it is reasonable to do so.

Helping Parents heal is across the US and Canada, please search for your chapter on the website.

Colorado Chapter information. Please reach out to join this group.

Leader Dave Derby dave.hphcolorado@gmail.com

Website:  https://www.helpingparentsheal.org/
Website Colorado Chapter: https://www.helpingparentsheal.org/groups/helping-parents-heal/#Colorado

HPH Facebook Group:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/helpingparentsheal/

HPH Colorado Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/helpingparentshealcolorado/
You must answer the questions to be admitted.

I truly am excited to work with this group. The Colorado Co-Leader Dave has been a long time friend. Many of the members are also long time friends who have experienced the loss of a child. We are working together now to help other’s heal from loss.


Deb Sheppard

3 Important Dream Symbols To Recognize

We all dream.  Some people dream all the time and others not as often.  Dreams can be very strange and most of the time they seem to make no sense at all.  However, they could be signs and messages from your guides.  


When I’m doing a session for someone, I receive a lot of messages in metaphors because it is a quicker way for me to communicate with your loved ones, your guides and the other side.  

When I was in high school, I took shorthand. Shorthand is an abbreviated symbolic writing method that increases speed of writing as compared to longhand.  The process of writing in shorthand is called stenography.  But what we learned was to basically make scribbles to translate what the other person was saying.  This was primarily used in an office where a “secretary” would transcribe what their boss was saying so he or she could write as fast as they were speaking.  Then they would take the written short-hand and type it out so it could be read.  

Today we use a similar shorthand when texting.  U for you, R for are, #4 means for or four, UR is you’re, xfer means transfer and of course all the emojis.  We don’t realize it, but we abbreviate to communicate.   Dreams are very similar to this where symbols, animals, weather and other symbols in your dreams can provide a lot of insight.


If you see water, such as a river, ocean, tidal wave, mucky water it represents a certain emotion.   When you dream of water it helps you to understand what type of emotions you are feeling or someone around you may be dealing with.  For instance, let’s say you are having some tension at work or with your partner.  The symbol of water can let you know what you are dealing with or what’s going to happen.

Imagine that you see a calm lake, it’s very clear and you feel safe.  This may be showing you to expect a calm forecast in life.  However, if it’s mucky and stagnant water, it may be time to realize it’s time to get things moving and make a few changes.  Who wants to sit in stagnant water?


They bring your attention to your creativity.  Embrace your ideas and dreams,  it is time to take action.  Find the time to balance between your past and your future.  The spider is giving you a message that you weave your life like a web and that your reality is yours to create.  The spider symbol makes it clear that what you see before you is the result of your thoughts.  In other words, the spider symbol in your dream can show you that your current reality does not suit you.  It is time to make changes.


This symbol is telling you that a transition or change is coming or needed.  Snakes can also come with healing properties.  Do you recall the symbol for health care providers?  It has a snake on it.  The snake is also about transformation.  It signifies rebirth.  The snake totem symbolizes protection.  It has poor vision and has no external ears, so it relies only on its senses to get familiar with its environment.  Historically, snakes represent fertility or a creative force.   As snakes shed their skin through sloughing, they are symbols or a sign of immortality and healing.  

The Caduceus is the medical symbol with one snake or two snakes.  The stick is actually a staff that was carried by the Olympia God Hermes.  The Greeks regarded snakes as sacred and used them in healing rituals.  Again, believing that the skin-shedding was viewed as rebirth and renewal.  Keep this in mind when you spot a medical alert bracelet featuring the seemingly sinister serpents.  

Another symbol

The other day I did a session and my client who had a recurring dream about a big fire.  She is standing above a crowd looking down and was concerned it was something terrible.  She wants to be a motivational speaker, but was dragging her feet.  Her fire dream symbol was very positive because it means fame, and a rebirth like the phoenix rising.  It is also lighting her fire, so to speak, urging her to get out there and do her calling.

Dreams can be our guides

Just remember that dreams are just another way for our guides and loved ones to give us messages.  They are not there to scare us or make us feel unsettled.  When these dreams are intense, they are showing us how to pay attention to our lives.

Writing down your dreams in a journal will certainly help you hear and of course see the messages from those trying to help us.  It’s best to write your dreams down first thing in the morning, since our dreams details can fade during the day. We will be doing a dream journal to learn about how to interpret our dreams during my 30 Day Energy Shift Online class.

Find our more

Find out more for my 30-Day Energy Shift-Get The Clarity You Need because on week 3 you will learn more about interpreting Dreams and Symbols.  


Deb Sheppard

THIS IS US! A Personal Story of diversity.

This week in lieu of my usual blog, I feel it is essential to talk about social injustice and to share some important resources and information.  We need to promote inclusion and equality for the black community.  My mission has always been to help hurting people heal and to empower as many lives as I can touch.  This is still my mission.  I also feel I have a story to tell and hope you read with an open mind.

I remember being about 4 years old and was playing with friends that lived in my neighborhood.  My mom gave me cookies to take out to share but for some reason I didn’t share with my black friend.  My mother saw this and asked me, “why didn’t you share with Johnny?”  I responded with “he’s not pretty like my other friends”.   Which I remember was what I heard from the other children.  My mother was very young, she had me at the age of 17 and was probably about 22 at this time.  Even at this young age she was very wise.  She said to me “well you’re not too damn pretty yourself and you will share with Johnny!” 

This is a lesson that stuck with me my entire life.  I talked to my mom the other day and asked her if I could share this story. She was embarrassed at how she handled the situation but I’m grateful for her teachings.  She taught me that we come in so many different colors, and backgrounds but we should all be treated equally.  This is still what I believe.  

I have seen so many things during my 60 years but one story I want to share that has stayed with me.  Growing up in California, the mindset was a bit different than I experienced I moved to the Midwest. It was so surprising to see the blatant racism and complete lack of empathy for those of color.   There was a white co-worker who was driving us to grab lunch, as black man was walking through the parking lot and she said to me “I should run over him”.  I was appalled and taken back, but I didn’t say a word.  I just sat there in shock. To this day I regret not speaking up.  I was raised to be opposed to racism, but I still kept silent. Being silent says a lot.  I didn’t do what was right,  I am still learning but I will not be silent again. 

Many people are disconnecting from social media platforms because they are tired of seeing the anger. I understand but I ask you to take a moment and consider this is what a person of color has probably experienced their entire life. 

This is us. Diverse and far from traditional.

My life is a bit like the show This is Us.  My immediate family is very diverse.  I have been married twice neither of which ended well.  Now I unexpectedly I am with an amazing woman.  Our family is not considered typical or traditional, but THIS IS US!  It’s wonderful, but there is judgement that comes with it. I’ve been judged my entire life, I am ok with it.   I would rather have my very diverse family and experiences than a life with no judgement.  

I also have two sons one is black, and one is white. They are only a few years difference in age, but they are treated very differently. 

When my son Jake received his license, he went on with his life and drove his nice car everywhere.  He even traveled the country after he graduated and most the time lived in his car while he explored the country.   I advised my son about being safe and his response was “I’m pretty safe, mom.  I’m a 6-foot skinny white guy travelling.  I’m not sure what I would worry about”.  His statement spoke volumes to me.  

My son Thomas, who is black has a different story.  When he earned his driver’s license, he was advised by a police officer/neighbor that he should put both hands on his door if he was pulled over. The officers would want to plainly see his hands.   When Thomas was 16 he was pulled over near his home. The officer advised him that he just wanted to see who he was and wanted to know why he was driving such a nice car.   

Thomas met his wife when she was 3 months pregnant and they fell in love. Thomas adopted the baby at birth who is very white little guy with bright blue eyes.  They have since had a second child and she is not only beautiful like her brother but has a little color to her skin like her daddy.  I worry that when Thomas is out in public holding his little boy by himself, someone will call the police on him because he is black?  Would you wonder why he is so dark and has a white blue-eyed child in his arms?  

When Jake grew his beautiful red hair out below his shoulders, people think it is pretty and he’s a hippie. When Thomas grows his hair long, he is told he looks like he’s a thug.  The differences have always hurt my heart.

We can change

When does this change?   Can we have a time when a mother doesn’t worry about her child based on the color of their skin?   I am sharing this because I have been a party to not knowing what to do in the face of racism and I have also been on the other side experiencing it with someone I love dearly. We have a responsibility as a community to say we are not going to allow this any longer.   

This is our time for change.

This is a tremendous opportunity for change. It has been a painful road and will most likely will still be uncomfortable and challenging but we can do it. 

For the past couple of years, I have felt this beginning to manifest.  There is absolutely a Spiritual Awakening going on and this is an opportunity for us as a collective to make profound changes.  Our limiting belief systems and societal structures are no longer serving us. We are becoming aware of this in some prolific ways.  The universe if forcing us to wake up.  Our world can’t ignore racism, climate change, discrimination, separation and religious suppression any longer.  

Shift and Rise

As we shift and rise in our awareness to create and take part in this change, I challenge everyone to ask your guides how you can help in this shift. Make an intention to listen and learn.  For some it might mean taking a physical stance, for other’s it may mean assisting in healing or using your voice to share your experience.   Do your part to spread acceptance, equality and love.  Whatever it is you choose to do as we make this shift towards love know that you are making a difference.  

Here are some great resources to:

Black Futures Lab

Center for Policing Equity

The Bail Project

Common Future

Equal Justice Initiative

Love and Namasté

Deb Sheppard

This Changed Everything! The Eye of The Storm

I really felt compelled to share this again because I feel like we are in The Eye of the Storm right now.  Can you open up the path we are being shown? I believe we are being guided to a higher purpose by our circumstances.   What happens if we choose faith over fear? 

So many of you are feeling a slew of mixed emotions right now – from fear to full-on panic.  It’s totally understandable as there is so much uncertainty is in the air.  

 I am like you, in have been in fear and paralyzed by it, and have felt lost and stuck. The eye of the storm, as I call it and we are here again as a country and people. By sharing some things from my own journey with you it may help you to understand that there are divine things happening all around you.  I want you to trust you will be okay and we will find our way together. Read my story and see what you think.

The Eye of the Storm

In 1994 and there were two massive hurricanes back-to-back, one in the Carolinas and the other in Hawaii. The Eye of the Storm I in my life I call it. Unfortunately, the company my late husband worked for insured many properties in both locations, so it took a significant financial hit. The company began to downsize. He lost his VP position with the company.   He was given one option, we could move back to the Midwest to continue with the company. We both loved Colorado and the life we were building together here.  Moving back to the Midwest to reinvent his career wasn’t an option for either of us.  

It gets worse.

I soon found out that I was pregnant with our second child.  This was extremely difficult, but we were optimistic.  Brad and I both believed that we could start a new path with him starting a business. Taking this as a sign to be your own boss—another American dream.  He had a master’s degree, tons of experience, was great at statistics, honest and good to others.  We had received a payout from the company that provided a good cushion and we had a little money in our retirement that we could use.   This turned out to be the wrong decision, it didn’t work out and things got worse.  

While expecting our second child, Brad took a temporary job with UPS working nights stocking trucks with packages to be delivered…. a far cry from when he was “the boss.”  It was hard work, especially at the age of 42. They provided insurance which was a must for us during this time.  I was doing childcare, while pregnant, and he was working nights. In reality, we were barely making ends meet and we barely saw each other.  He was ashamed that after his successful career he was working nights packing up trucks.  None of our friends knew where he was working or what he was doing, he wanted to keep it hidden.   In all honesty, I didn’t care what he did as long as we could provide for our family. 

I was in fear and the storm got worse

He came home after an evening shift one night and he had me sit on the end of our bed. He informed me he had quit his job at UPS.  The work felt beneath him, and he couldn’t do it anymore. I remember this as if it were yesterday, my heart sank as my stomach was showing this new life. We were not financially capable of taking care of all our needs, but I didn’t say a word to him. I did not trust his decisions anymore and I was beginning to question my feelings. To this day, I’m not sure why I didn’t challenge him, or even question his decision, other than I was in complete shock. We went through all of our savings, refinanced the house enough times that there was no cushion. We filed for bankruptcy and it was one of the most difficult times in our marriage. 

I started looking for answers

My life was chaos and because of all of this, I began looking for answers. The answer came and it was not what I expected.  My friend Chris was visiting from California and when she arrived I told her our situation. She mentioned Feng Shui as a way to change the energy surrounding us.  I had no idea what she was talking about but decided to be open minded. We went shopping and stopped at the bookstore to find books about Feng Shui so I could learn more.

During this same time, my friend LaVern was working at a psychic fair.  She had me see her friend who was a psychic doing readings at the fair.  Desperate to hear that we when we were going to get back on our feet once again, I was hungry for information—anything that would reveal a path for us to take. I asked when Brad was going to get that perfect VP job again so our lives could go back to normal. I did not like the answer!  She informed me that he was not going to get a job and then, asked me a question I’ll never forget: “Why aren’t you sitting on the other side of this table doing readings for people?”  I did not want or need this answer, I left frustrated and confused. 

What was the Answer?

I decided to put all my efforts into Feng Shui and changing the energy surrounding us because I thought this was our answer.  If I could change the energy around us Brad would get that high powered, high paying job again.  The first thing I started doing was cleaning up clutter.  I bagged up things of his, I felt he did not need anymore and started carrying the stuff to the trash. While walking outside, I fell down hard and scraped both of my knees.  This was a sign I should have recognized but did not learn until later.  You don’t take other people’s things without their permission; I didn’t have his permission. 

I thought I was “helping” him with his career but did not have his blessing.  Boy did I make a mistake here, rarely does this work.  I didn’t tell him what I was doing with his things and I continued on my crusade. After all, I was feeling as if I was taking steps to get our family back on track and what could it hurt?  Feng Shui became pretty easy for me. I could feel the energy and understood how it worked. I even considered becoming a Feng Shui consultant.  

Messages from the Other Side

A few days later after I put the children down for nap time, I was cleaning up things and all of the sudden I could feel someone around me.  This was not a living person, as I began to understand this, I did not feel scared. It felt like I was in slow motion. Maybe you have been in a car accident where you see what is going on, but there is nothing you can do. It happens so fast, but amazingly you can recall the details.   I could feel that it was my friend Susie’s father, who I had never met.  In the spur of the moment and without thinking about it I called her and shared all the messages from her father.   

Wow that was weird

Several hours later, I recall thinking “Wow, that was weird.”  I began to worry about Susie, I called her back and she was still a little shaken. The only thing I could do was apologize. She said to me “I needed to hear that. My father was a good businessman and he taught my brothers how to run a business, but not me. I would have asked for his help now since I’m learning how to be a business owner.” 

Little did I know how dramatically my life would change. This is when the flood gates opened, and I had the afterlife knocking at me constantly.  I didn’t know what was happening nor was I sure of what to do with this so I went to the library and checked out dozens of books.  That’s when I realized I was a medium!  The voices kept coming and coming.  

The Next Step

There was a medium coming to Denver and I was able to get tickets to attend the event.  I had no idea why I decided to attend.  We did not have the money and there was really no reason for me to be there.  I was a bit upset with myself for making this choice.   I went to the car during a break and Brad was in the car listening to a ballgame.   We went back to the event.   After the event finished, we got back in the car and there was a radio station on called KOSI 101.  The DJ had on Sid the Psychic.   I asked Brad if he had put this station on and he had not, I know now that my question was being divinely answered.  I decided to call the radio station the next day.  

I trusted my guides and the universe

The DJ, whose name is Rashke, was open to mediums and had experience with other mediums and she agreed to talk with me.  She came to see me to determine if I was the “real deal” and even though I had no idea what I was doing, I shared all the information that I was getting for her.  I told her that there was an issue with her car to which she informed me that her car was brand new and just fine and consequently felt like she walked away a bit unimpressed but about a week later Rashke had a huge issue with her car that was very dangerous.  It turns out that I was right, I had trusted the information I was given and Rashke had become a believer. 

9-11 devastated country a short time later, and Rashke was trapped in Italy.  She called me to tell me that during this time she realized why we met.   She asked me to come into the radio station and that evening I did 52 readings on and off the air.  It was in this moment that I knew my path was to help those in need of healing.  

What was my purpose?

I have never looked back; I have never again questioned my purpose.  If I had not listened to the voices and had I not trusted that I was going to be ok, I would not have chosen this path. I was guided to my higher purpose through the challenges put in front of me during this time. We are sometime forced to a new path out of necessity. I would not have gone down this path had Brad gotten a job as a VP. Let’s face it, we get comfortable in what we think is normal and refuse to make changes. In order to make changes we need to be uncomfortable sometimes. 

You may be feeling tense, fearful or uncertain about your future? Uncomfortable like I was back in 2001.

Chances are all the craziness in the world is impacting your mind, body and spirit in a BIG way. 

But, it doesn’t have to be this way. You CAN feel at ease and unburdened, even now.

With your guides, you can SHIFT your life and spirit.

Trust that you will be okay and we will find our way together. Will you join me for The-30 Day Energy Shift? We will turn fear into faith, and with my help and the help of your guides you will have the ability to emerge from all of this with a better, more fulfilling life. Take a peek and take advantage the the early bird pricing if you feel it resonates with you right now.

What The Stars Say 2020- Seeing Things Clearly.

I have a wonderful friend and past student, Mark Alexander who is an amazing and talented Vedic astrologer. This week I asked him to look at the stars for us and give us an astrological look at what is going on with our planet and the times we are experiencing right now.

I want to share a little background info about the type of astrology he does. This is an ancient practice that has even used long before the western astrology that we have become accustomed too. I prefer Vedic astrology in my belief system and routinely use the tools for yoga and meditation. I even worked with my good friend Sarita who owns Tibet Imports here in Denver on my powerful line of Mala beads, each one for a different purpose.

What is Vedic Astrology?

In Sanskrit, the word Jyotish, translates to “science of light,” and refers to the profound and mathematically sophisticated form of astrology that originated in the ancient Vedic traditions of India, sometimes known as Vedic astrology.

Vedic astrology from what I understand, is a relatively new term to describe Hindu or Indian astrology, also known as jyotish. Like Western astrology, Vedic astrology is based on the belief that the planets and other heavenly bodies influence a person’s life. Vedic and Western astrology have some similarities, including the 12 signs of the zodiac but then they began to differ.

What Mark Alexander says about our outlook!

This is a brief overview from a Vedic astrologer’s perspective, which is a sideral system and based upon the fixed star system.  So, if any readers are oriented to a western analysis, this will differ by house and sign placement.   A note of interest for the analytically minded, think of the astrological (Vedic) sideral system as a literal astronomical interpretation, meaning, when you look up into the heavens at night and wonder where Venus is currently located, you will find her presently in the sign of Taurus, not Gemini, as Western Astrology will have her placed.  Reasons for which, calculations explaining this point are not something most people would be interested in.

A look ahead…

Over the next few months, we have several astrological transits taking place.   There are three planets currently in retrograde motion, Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn and Venus in Taurus.   Remember, retrograde motion is a symbolic meaning of a planet’s characteristics being harnessed or pulled back in a sense from being fully expressed.

Venus in Retrograde

Venus, the planet of love, art, beauty and relationships is retrograde until June 25th, expressing potential delays in attracting a partner if that is what you’re wanting, or possibly feeling a bit sluggish or uninspired in the romantic department.   Maybe having a temporary feeling in work of artistic blasé for creative souls if that’s your forte, either way, this will not last too long as Venus is inherently strong in it’s own sign of Taurus, so no worries!  Once we come into July, Venus will be in full force with all her beauty and influence.

Jupiter in Retrograde

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system.   He represents expansion, wisdom, education and dharma(meaning ‘that which is just and honorable’).   The retrograde motion for him in the sign of Capricorn is challenging to say the least.   Capricorn is considered a weak location for Jupiter.  This can create a loss of awareness or lack in honesty, or making decisions that are not for our best self-interest, which incidentally will usually affect others in a negative way as well.

Point of interest, Jupiter’s current transit is moving him back into the sign of Sagittarius, which is a sign he rules, so it’s a good thing, but he will not actually be in Sag until Jun 30th where he’ll remain until November.   Think of it like you’re in your own house so to speak.   So, there’s an inherent level of comfort in this location, meaning Jupiter grows in strength and ability to express that which is naturally a part of himself; expansion, wisdom, education, dharma, business and employment and having an overall optimistic perspective about life.  

Jupiter also represents the husband in a woman’s chart, so if you’re interested in getting married, I’d recommend to WAIT while Jupiter resides in Capricorn.  Mid to end of July and August are ok, mid to end of September is good, including first two weekends of October could also be a good time for a wedding, but that’s about it for the rest of 2020. 

Summer and Fall regarding COVID

This summer and into fall, we should see “some” increase in business, our economy and lives in general coming back to a “sense” of normalcy, but please, understand taking precaution where caution is due is always a wise course of action.  Meaning, take care of yourself and your surroundings, as Jupiter’s retrograde motion may still have some challenging influence.   However also remember, Jupiter goes direct mid-September, meaning he will no longer be retrograde, the business world should likely experience better returns…at least for a few months.   But come election time, all bets are off, and we will begin to see other political challenges that I will cover shortly before that period of time arrives.

On to Saturn … our task master and teacher…

Saturn is also retrograde, however being located in his own sign of Capricorn is a good thing!   Saturn is all about discipline, focus, hard work and determination, but on the challenging side he can also represent loneliness, ill health and isolation, hmmm, interesting eh!  Also, he deals with mass consciousness, public influence and democratic processes.   

The planet Saturn in the Vedic Astrology tradition represents the common people or more accurately for America, the voting populace of the country.   A retrograde energy here will create a since of slow-moving political change, isolation and frustrations around the current virus issue not having a remedy or vaccine available.   Saturn will ultimately help with the creation of a vaccine, but it will take time.  Saturn never does anything fast, which stands to reason since he is one of the slowest moving planets of our solar system.   I’d say by mid-Fall we may have something available in that respect after Jupiter and Saturn are both direct.   A helpful point about Saturn I want to stress is that he does help us manifest that which we most want in life.  But its always after a period of focused attention and hard work!! 

A retrograde influence rarely creates something spur of the moment, that is in light of resolving an issue quickly.   The retrograde energy is much more like hunkering down and working hard to find a cure or resolution to a problem.   Once the retrograde planets of influence move direct, then you see the solution that resolves the problem.  

What is Mercury doing?

Currently, Mercury is direct…a good thing, but he will go retrograde in June for about three weeks; specifically, June 18 to July 12.   Retrograde Mercury takes place at least three times a year, so word to the wise, refrain from large purchase items, signing important contracts or initiating business deals.  Also, I would not recommend buying computers, new phones or other electronics during his retrograde event.   Wait until mid-July, otherwise you may be returning it.   Also, communication is challenged, be conscientious when speaking to others during a Mercury retrograde, if you are not certain as to what someone is trying to express, ask them politely to repeat it.

All bets are off!

Concerning my comment earlier regarding the ‘All bets are off’ come election time, there will be a couple of eclipses, Nov 30th and Dec 14 a lunar and solar eclipse.  These will take place in the sign of Taurus and Scorpio, respectively.  Briefly, the sign Taurus is the 6th house(representing health, debt, conflict), and Scorpio is the 12th house(loss, isolation, secrets) in the astrological chart of the United States.   This could represent serious political and behind the scenes contention and problems. A bit more than usual due to the fact that at that point in time, Jupiter will be back in its debilitated sign of Capricorn for another 6 months up to the beginning of April 2021.  Even though I’m referencing the birth chart of our nation, this can also represent to a degree, the overall health and well-being of the president or president elect.

On a spiritual note, remember not to buy into any fear around the Corona Virus.  I make it a point to meditate every day and I take precaution where I feel its appropriate and intuition guides me.  Obviously its only common sense to follow laws in this regard that are currently in place around the virus. Admittedly though, I find it rather funny to see people driving in their cars wearing a face mask…but that’s me😉    

Love, light and blessings to everyone.   

By Mark Alexander at Spiritofastrology.org

How Mark helped me.

I want to thank Mark for this very comprehensive look at what is happening and what we are facing in our near future. You must reach out to him if you would like a very detailed look at your birth chart. When Dana and I had our charts read by him it certainly changed our perpspective. He also predicted some health issues we would be facing and advised us to not only be careful but to be on the look out for what was coming. It helped us navigate the whole situation when it did happen, just like he predicted.


Deb Sheppard

Listen To Your GPS-Guided Psychic System

Yes, you’re intuitive! You are born with your own GPS; Guided Psychic System. It’s up to you to use it. It wasn’t taken away from you, it is still there to use when you open yourself.

Being psychic doesn’t mean you get the lottery numbers or get to escape learning lessons here on the earthly plane. Intuition is your sixth sense, and everyone is born with this ability.

A Sense of “knowing”

Watch animals, they don’t attend parenting classes or question their senses. They feel fear when danger is near, and they have innate nurturing abilities. You will see an animal run if there is going to be an earthquake or a natural disaster. This is their intuition and they have complete trust in it.

Small children also have a sense of “knowing” and children have not had an array of life experiences to understand what is happening. However, we tell our children to do things that society deems acceptable instead of letting them trust their gut.

We turn off that sixth sense that is our birth right because we are taught these limiting beliefs through society, religion and family belief systems. How many times have you regretted that you didn’t listen to that little voice in your head?

What happens when you ignore your intuition?

Even as a psychic medium I still let the outside world influence me, but I keep trusting and I keep trying to listen to my intuition and heart.

A little bit about my story. The first time I got married, I thought “I could leave right now if I wanted too” as I was walking down the aisle. During the exchange of my vows I thought “I could still say no”.  I chose to stay and go through with it and what a surprise, the marriage lasted less than a year. For years, I had been upset with him and all that happened around the marriage and situation, until one day I realized it was not his fault, I did not listen to my inner voice. I ignored my intuition. Has something like this happened to you?

Trust and Surrender

Trust and Surrender are the two most important rules to understanding your intuition. Trust=listen to your inner voice, regardless of the fear that others may judge you or try to talk you out of your intuition. Surrender=do not try to control the outcome. Most of us want and desire love, abundance and a healthy life. We try to control what “we” believe will make us happy instead of letting the universe bring in wonderful things you never imagined would be possible. Get out of your own way.

Where do you begin?

Meditation maybe difficult for many but if you try to just be present so you can listen to your inner voice you will find it easier. Start by practicing using your intuition with thinking of small questions. Where should I go eat today that will help me with my energy? What line at the grocery store is good. Which is the best way to drive home so we are all safe? Who is the next person to call me on the phone?

Have you ever listened to that “voice” when you think of someone, then you reach out to them and they have some news to share with you? They may even tell you that they were thinking of you and were about to reach out. That’s a perfect example of your intuition.

KISS-Keep is Simple Sweetie (my saying for years now)

KISS; Keep it simple sweetie! When you are at the beginning stages of trying to use your intuition I highly recommend that you don’t try focusing with the big life choices such as a job change, selling a home or leaving a relationship. There will be too much attached to these life choices.

Begin practicing so you can receive new insights and tools to help you develop a more solid inner voice.

Do active meditation like color mandalas, cook your favorite dish while meditating or try automatic writing.

As you are practicing, write down any insight you feel and trust that this is from the universe.

Surrender and trust the process. You can do it!


Deb Sheppard💜

Top 3 Most Asked Questions about the Afterlife

I’ve been asked 1000’s of questions about loved ones and the afterlife.  Not one question is weird, strange or has felt insignificant.  All questions are welcome and all have meaning. Most people have a desire to understand the unknown and we as humans are seekers. When we have a significant loss we have so many unanswered questions so we begin to seek the answers.  

As a medium, I’m honored to provide my perspective and experiences from my journey but it doesn’t mean it’s the only answer.  I love providing my insight to anyone who is curious.

1. Are they okay?

My answer is normally 100% YES. I have a funny line that I use “There are no taxes or dieting, so it must be heaven”  I bring humor to reading and events because it does bring the energy level up and helps people relax but with humor aside, our loved ones do not take with them the pain and struggles they endured while experiencing life on earth.

Their personality traits will come through as you remember them, however if they were cruel or not a good person, that will have changed.  They may perhaps, apologize for their behavior while with you, but they don’t carry the anger and sadness that they experienced here on earth.

I have said over the years, being a messenger is an honor and while my clients are grieving it would be difficult if those in the afterlife were grieving as well.  For me, it would take a lot of energy to manage.  Your loved ones, whether you had a positive or negative relationship will provide me insight into your relationship, but they do not carry the hardships they had before crossing over.

Many times, I find they are having a “party” with other loved ones whom they have met on the other side.  We are missing them, but they are still with us and are finding new experiences at the same time.

Are they with me all the time?

Well, I hope not!  Like those experiencing life on earth, we are not with our loved ones, our community, or our beloved fur babies 24/7.  That would actually make us a little nuts.  We need to have our alone time and the other side knows is the same.  

Because we miss them, we have a desire to know they are around us and they certainly are.  When I’m doing a session loved one talk about odd things such as plumbing issues, recent injuries, career changes and family concerns because they want you to know they see what is going on in your life right now and they are here with you.

They also enjoy sharing about trips you have taken or are about to take, new babies and accomplishments.  Many times, they will discuss health concerns or someone in the family that has been difficult so you know they are along side you at times.

They share these things as evidence that they know and see what is happening in your family.  They are aware of your life, the ups and downs that we each live through.  Many times, they will visit me before your session, they show up early and start poking at me.  They love making themselves known especially if they had a lot of personality here on earth.

How do I know they are visiting me?

My desire is for each of my clients to connect with their loved ones on their own.  What stops this connection is our grief and the business in our lives.  

As a medium, I am a messenger and experience no grief around the loss of your loved.  I am able to center myself and open up to feeling connecting with the spirit world.  It takes a lot of energy for a loved one to connect with the earthly realm. I must raise my energy to make the connection and they lower theirs to connect with me.

This does become a little exhausting for me as a medium and channel. I am able to “turn off ” the connection when I’m not being a messenger. I too need earth time to feel grounded and be in my human suit to experience this life also.

During this pandemic because we are staying in place, many people are having more dreams and experiences with their loved ones.  Why?  We are at home, doing less and are more focused on the now. We are not as distracted with our to do lists.

Staying in the present is a form a meditation.  The experiences with loved ones are gentle most of the time, they show small indications that they are around, it’s more of a quiet awareness that you feel or hear.

How I connect with your loved ones

As a medium, the information comes through my right brain where our imagination is located.  This is why so many that do feel their loved ones, feel as if they are making it up or tell themselves that they just want it to be real. I will tell you if you randomly think of your loved one most likely it is them popping in to your “right brain” or where your imagination comes from to say hello.

This is why I must trust my intuition 100%.  I have to lose all analytical tendencies and trust the information completely. I use all my 6 senses and from that I’m able to interpret what a spirit is saying to me.  It’s not “just” a voice in my head.

I hear, see, smell, taste, feel and see things as well as using my third eye to translate a message.  Over the years, I’ve built my own vocabulary that they use to communicate with me and show me what they would like to share.  As an example, if I see a newspaper unfolded, this is my symbol for a person being well read or informed. They show me this to say they wanted to know what was going on in the world.

Sometimes, I will feel their pain of how they passed.  Many times, I will cough if they passed from lung disease, hanging or a drowning or fire.  Not always fun, but it’s their way of letting me know what happened to them.

Taste is always interesting.  If they drank scotch, vodka or beer, I can normally tell and they may share their favorite food or what they ate before they passed.

They want to connect

These are just some of the ways a loved one can show they are with you.  They also love messing with our electrical items, such as phones, computers and light bulbs.  Several times they have turned on my TV around 2 am to say, I’m here. 

My late husband shows me two things often.  Pennies and the number 54.  He was born in 1954 and passed at the age of 54.  It’s always random and sometimes annoying because it appears constantly.  Pennies are significant because we still have his grandfather’s suitcase of old pennies.  He also collected change and would put it in a glass container although I wish he would leave dollars, but hey I can’t complain.  It is also interesting that I find these pennies in such odd places. The shower, my slipper, on the floor after walking past the same space several times.

Bottom-line- your loved ones want to connect and let you know they are okay and are with you.  Signs from your loved ones can be recognized, if you are open and centered enough to notice.

I always suggest that you bring joy into your life and remember the good times and bring humor, all of these things will help you connect with them and begin to recognize the signs.

You can see more conversation from this weeks Facebook live


Deb Sheppard💜

Sacred Contracts and Soul Groups

You are learning these lessons and this is the contract that you have agreed to.  For many this can be hard one to swallow. Have you wondered why some of the people around you seem to have it so easy while you go through trial after trial and seem to struggle? If you are wanting to understand why you are here, your purpose and the gift of enlightenment, then this is the first step to grasping that you agreed to and chose this path.

My guides teaching me

More than 2 decades ago my guides began sharing this information with me. I sat down one day and was inspired to do some automatic writing. This is where you put pen to paper and you write without thinking about what you are writing. No punctuation, no thinking, just channeling the information from my guides.  They shared with me that our true purpose here on earth is to become more enlightened, that our experiences were opportunities for growth and that we chose these opportunities prior to our birth, since then I’ve been on a mission to learn more and teach this to others no matter where they are on their journey in life.

What is the purpose of our patterns

When we are able to see the patterns in our lives and the teachers who agreed to assist us in learning, it becomes much easier to understand. We cannot fail, because we will have multiple opportunities to learn.  Our Soul Contracts are set up this way. Unfortunately, these episodes can get frustrating and we may believe we are doing it wrong.  The Universe and the contracts we agreed to prior to being born will allow us many chances to change our patterns. We can learn to become aware of the “contract” when it shows up in our life so we can change our patterns by making difference choices in our future.

When learning these lessons and patterns we can change the circumstances faster and recover with more ease making our life more enjoyable.  Knowing you have the power and tools to understand why these things have happened in your life will help you find peace; and help you forgive and move forward with grace and ease.

Soul Groups

Our Soul Group is a collective group of souls that work together over many life times to exchange lessons of Dharma.

Prior to making our trip to our college called Earth, we make sacred contracts with our Soul Group to share in our life lessons.  We review what we desire to learn and try to create a plan to embrace these contracts.  If you were planning to enroll in an earthly college, you would have sketched out a plan.  This is the same with a Spiritual Contract.  Keep in mind free will can always come into play.  We all have free will and many things will happen that are not a part of a planned Spiritual Contract. 

Our soul group can work along with other soul groups to learn lessons, but your current soul group will have many life time’s together for the purpose of achieving many enlightenments.  They are part of our lives to help teach us lessons.  We all have friends, colleagues, loved ones and family members but only a select few will affect you so profoundly on our life’s journey.

Dharma vs Karma

The things we don’t want to acknowledge or the things we don’t want to deal with are the things that should you should try to recognize. When we recognize the patterns, we can embrace them and understand that these experiences are about our spiritual growth.

There is Dharma involved in all of our Sacred Contracts, we make these agreements as an exchange of lessons for full enlightenment.  Dharma is a vibration of love for one another.  

Karma is more of an earthly term, meaning that we pay for negative or positive experiences in life.  I don’t believe Karma is the driving force for our agreements.  

Whether you believe in one life or multiple lives I believe we are here to grow and become more enlightened.  If we only do things that we like or are easy for us, we will stay in the merry-go-around doing the same thing over and over with no chance for growth. 

Everyone has their own lessons

Simply defined, a lesson is an activity that you do in order to learn something.  Something learned through experiences. These are things we are not good at yet, things we chose to learn on our path to reach a higher level of understanding and enlightenment. 

During our pre-birth planning we made an agreement with our soul group to learn specific lessons on our journey towards enlightenment, understanding and unconditional love.  Our souls want to grow and learn, and it is more than what can be seen.  It is our lessons that provide our ability to become more enlightened.

One thing to keep in mind, your teachers are not here to get your lessons.  You are!  Every time you try to make them “get it” or “change” good luck!  They are not the student, you are.  They are not here to learn from you at this moment in time.  We spend a lot of energy trying to get our teachers to change so it will make our lives better and we believe it will make theirs better as well.  That hasn’t worked for any of us, it proves we are the one that is learning the lesson.  They have their own contracts of lessons.

This is one of my favorite subjects and workshops to teach. You can learn much more by attending if you ever choose to. I look forward to the next workshop as soon as it is safe to do so, possibly in September of 2020. In the meantime I hope you enjoy learning a little bit about Sacred Contracts.

Love and Namasté,

Deb Sheppard 💜

Has anyone ever told you that you are an Old Soul?

Have you heard someone say “ she/he is an old soul”?   Do YOU feel like an old soul?

 You may have felt this yourself or met someone who you believed has probably had past lives.  They seem to have this sense about them that they didn’t always fit in but regardless are comfortable in their own skin.  They may be laid back, relaxed, a no-nonsense person, it’s just that vibe we get from an old soul without understanding it.

As a spiritual teacher, medium and intuitive I seen both young souls and old souls during my work. But, I remember as I was growing up there were certain people that just seemed to have an aura about them.  I didn’t know these words existed then, but it was certainly a feeling.

Being young or an old soul doesn’t mean one is better than another.  It only means that some souls have lived many times before this current life. We are all here to learn and find enlightenment, but we joined the earth school at different times.  It’s no different than someone going to kindergarten for the first time to the individual attending college.  We are on different paths at different times.

If you think you are an old soul see if any of these traits are familiar to you.

You seek out alone time:  Introverts sometimes are ones that don’t like all the chaos of a lot of energy while being with a lot of people.  They certainly enjoy being with their communities, but they need time to decompress.

Peaceful time is a must for these old souls and they will find ways to do just that. They love to be in nature or you will often find them reading, meditating, doing yoga, gardening or cooking to find peace.

Old souls want to know the truth about things.  Seeking wisdom and truth are vital and it is often required for them to feel comfortable enough to move forward.

They are great listeners and love to hear everyones stories and also typically love learning about history and have a desire to seek deeper answers rather than just hearing something at face value.  They have a deep sense of curiosity that continues throughout life.

You might feel that life isn’t just about you, but there is such a bigger picture outside of yourself.  You may enjoy the comforts of life but still enjoy helping those around you. Mother Earth is typically important to an old soul.  You also may find that you would rather help others before spending money on yourself.

Your past is something you reflect on often.  You try to seek what you have learned from those experiences in your life.  It may be someone that is neither good nor bad, but it’s only to gain knowledge for future experiences.  
The old soul understands there is a bigger picture.   He and she typically looks beyond their own personal agenda.  They see how communities and the world are just as important as their own lives.  They are willing to make changes to protect the Earth and those that share this space together.

Many will not need an over abundance of “things” to feel happy.  

This doesn’t mean they want to not have nice things or have a comfortable lifestyle.  An old soul feels content without having material wealth.  It isn’t a terrible thing to have it, it’s just not as important for an old soul.

Some older souls don’t need as many friends to feel happy.  Having a selected amount of good, loyal, transparent and like-minded friends is more important and of greater value than being liked by hundreds of people.  You enjoy feeling you can be authentic and loved unconditionally.

Because most old souls are empaths, they also understand emotions.  It’s not that they are emotional, though that can be the case sometimes.  They can feel other people’s feelings as if it is their own.  They are mostly careful to be supportive, but not to feel as if it is their responsibility to take ownership of others emotions.   The value is in supporting others without taking it on. 

I’ve noticed that these old souls are wise beyond their years.  They just see things differently and seem to have wisdom from beyond without having the experience in their current life. 

Their advice flows so effortlessly.  And the advice isn’t judgmental or harsh.  It’s just shared with a feeling of “you can do this when you’re ready”.  Others seem to be drawn to these souls, just wanting their insights without truly knowing why.

Old Souls Have a Different Point of View

The one area that can be difficult for these old souls, is if they are young from an earth perspective they may find it challenging to be with people their own age.  They don’t have the same agenda and find it difficult to fit in.  They just see life from a totally different viewpoint where others just think they are odd, and they feel awkward in these situations.  

I’ve done many past life readings and have found that some souls are very young souls and their journey they chose in this lifetime was not as challenging as an old souls life. They also tend to have fewer things in life that create blocks and difficulties compared to an old souls path.     

When we return to our Earth School after previous lifetimes, we bring experiences with us. When we understand what happened to us in a past life, we can help heal things in this life.  Many of my clients after a past life reading will have fears vanish, they will recover from illnesses, they are able to open their hearts to new relationships and they walk away with a knowing of why certain things have happened in their current life.  

Past Life Sessions

During a past life session I will go into your Akashic Records and “download” information from the lifetimes that you need to connect with for help in this lifetime.  Normally, I’m provided 3 and maybe 4 lifetimes.  This allows me to interpret what in the past lives connect to what you are dealing with now. I am able to provide insight into things you can do to change or at least understand your relationships, release the blocks holding you from moving forward and heal. You don’t have to struggle to understand the difficult situations you are currently managing.  There is a lot you can learn so you can move ahead in your life and enjoy what life brings your way. You can see more on this weeks Facebook Live Session also.

Next week I will be sharing some stories from clients that have had past life readings. I have been told it is life changing.

7 Things To Help Manage Your Grief

Grief takes so many different forms.  It can be the loss of a loved one in the past or losing someone right now.  It is not always this loss of a loved one. Grief is also any change that we experience throughout our lives.  With our current world situation, we are ALL dealing with some sort of loss.  Since we are facing a changing future, stress and fear can be at the forefront of our daily lives and this can create grief and sadness that may be difficult to manage.  Especially, if we are alone or feeling the pressures of taking care of others. 

During this pandemic so many of us are at a time where we are unable to say goodbye to our loved ones.  The medical community is trying to find ways to help such as facetime but for many this isn’t enough.  We want to comfort our loved one and are unable to which is somewhat unprecedented.  The first question you may have is “Are they ok that I wasn’t able to be with them during their transition?”   The answer is always yes.  We believe we need to be with them to comfort them during such a difficult time.  They are ok, they know you love them, and this is an unusual time. 

If you have recently lost someone and want to communicate your feelings write to them, share all the good times and what you will miss. Keep good memories of them in your thoughts to have them in your heart.  Share stories about your loved ones with friends and allow them to share about theirs.  Look at photos and videos and recall some of your favorite times.  If you have traditions or rituals that you have passed down from generations to generations, remember these things and bring them out.  Be creative if you are unable to provide the things that you would normally have for these celebrations.

Most importantly ask for help and know that during this time it’s essential to not travel on this journey alone.  Asking for support also helps others to feel they are making a difference.  We are all in this together.

We can manage grief, but it’s a sneaky thing.  It comes when you’re not expecting it and you may not have any idea that it was going to show up.  Even positive changes can bring about a little grief that surprises us.  Grief has its own identity which means it looks different for everyone.  No one grieves the same or for the same reasons.  This is why no one can tell you how to grieve or when it should be over.  Experts, like me can give suggestions and tools to manage it but this is a personal journey and it is just yours.

I have helped so many people find the tools they need to manage and cope with their losses.  The losses experienced could be a divorce, job loss, children moving out, an illness, aging and of course the loss of a loved one.  I’m sure I haven’t seen it all and there have been times with clients that I have wondered “how is this individual still living through their life journey”.  Their courage has inspired me and at the same time made me realize how blessed I am.   There is always someone out there with a much more difficult story than our own.

This isn’t to minimalize anyone’s circumstances, but when we hear someone else’s experiences it can make us grateful for our own story.  It may show us that we can heal perhaps because our own story is manageable.

Sometimes grief has a deeper meaning because we are not just grieving the current situation, we are also grieving our past or something from our past. Sometimes, our grief wasn’t healed or managed, so when we are at a point that grief seems to be unmanageable, it can often be because of the previous layers of grief that we didn’t address, and this can even go back to our childhood. 

However, we can heal the past to get to our current situation for healing.  It may take some time and some inner strength, but it is possible.  You are not a pioneer in this situation and there are hundreds of ways to get to the root of the pain and to understand tools to heal and feel that life is manageable.  

Grief can make you feel that ache in your bones and you may feel that this will never get better or go away.  It can eventually come to a place where it becomes an experience to learn from instead of feeling that the grief is controlling every aspect of your life.  

I have found that there are a few steps to understanding grief.
  • Guilt is the number one catalyst for intense grief.  Guilt holds tight and it seems to control our emotions.  It can prevent you from beginning the healing process.  Holding on to guilt will make the process take so much longer.  I have had clients that have held on to guilt for 10, 20, 30 years or more.  It can also make you believe you should not be happy.   Guilt is ingrained in most of us and like myself were taught that guilt had value.  We are taught that if you have sinned, then healing is out of the question. 
  • Finding a way to forgive yourself and others will be one of the biggest steps to begin moving the grief.   Over the years this has probably been the number one reason that grief is still holding on strong.
  • Understand that you cannot always control the outcome can you control the choices someone else makes.  In my book “Grieving to Believing” I discuss how we do not have the power to control the outcome of someone else’s choices and journey.  We are taught to take care of others to give to others and to ignore our own needs.  Thinking of ourselves first is considered “selfish”. Well, if you want to believe that, you are limiting your potential.  We all have a responsibility for ourselves.  
  • Healing from grief can be a lesson in boundaries.  Sometimes others just don’t want your help, or they want to do it themselves.  Respect your loved one’s boundaries and choices.  Think of it in reversed, do you want others to step in and take over your life? Be respectful of boundaries and because you will understand that the guilt you are carrying may not be yours to carry and understanding this will provide you a little wiggle room to begin the healing process.  
  • I don’t think “everything happens for a reason”, I have taught this for many years.  This is a common saying that people say all the time because they don’t know what to say so they fall back on this and it can drive me a little crazy.   We can find a purpose from things that have happened, but I have never felt that there is always a specific “reason” for a loved one to depart.  As an example, my husband died by suicide along with many others in my life.  I have made this a mission to provide knowledge for those experiencing what I have experienced.   I have written a book about his passing and his mental health.  I’ve have also spoken to many groups about suicide and how to heal from the guilt and understand mental health.   I have done thousands of sessions with clients who have lost their loved ones to suicide.  This topic has been pushed under the rug for so long and I made it a purpose to help in the understanding and to help support others when dealing with this suicide.
  • Find a purpose from your losses which can help with grief,  for example, when someone experiences a divorce, I hear often of gratitude for the children that came from the marriage.   Try too look for the positive actions that will help to mend your heart that has been hurt.  A dear friend of ours, Judith Briles lost her son on a bridge in California where it was a non-working road.  But they hadn’t taken it down or protected young kids from socializing on the bridge.  He fell to his death at a very young age and his parents had no idea that this was a hangout for young people.  Judith fought to have the bridge taken down so no one else would perish from a senseless act.  The government didn’t protect these children, so the loss created a purpose to save others. She has a wonderful memoir that I endorsed for her When God Says No that I highly recommend. 
  • We are here to learn and grow and it is not always easy.    Earth is where we are to learn spiritual lessons and sometimes we “awaken” more layers when we experience pain.  We grow and look at life differently and it can put us on a new path.  Many times, we see things from such a different perspective, and I have found that this can push us into discovering more about ourselves and our journey here in our Earth School.   When we can look at all the different perspectives from our situations it can help to manage the challenges we are dealing with.  
Simple ways to support you healing through grief.

This may sound simple but there are common steps in the grieving process. 

-Feelings can come and go without announcing themselves, and grief can be very unexpected and catch us by complete surprise.  

-There are no rules to your grief process. Grieve your way, don’t let someone else tell you what you should do to heal.  That was their experience-not yours.  Of course, take advice it you want to take it but don’t let others dictate what you “should” be doing. 

-There is no timeline, in when or how you grieve.  It’s your grief.  Grief won’t leave you, but it will change over time. 

-Hugs are better than words.

-It’s okay to question life and your belief system.

-Just because you are blessed in life does not mean you can’t grieve.

-If you’re not okay and someone asks if you are okay it’s alright to acknowledge this and to say something like “not today, but I hope tomorrow is better”.  

-Ask others to honor your pain and walk with you, by not telling you how to heal. Know that you are not a victim and you can ask others to respect and have compassion to your healing process.

-Grief doesn’t make sense many times.  Everyone carries grief differently.  It is ok to feel that no one understands what you are going through. 

-I truly believe that humor and joy are the best tools to healing. This can help you connect with your loved one and can help you feel them around you.  Guilt can keep us from allowing these experiences, but I guarantee that humor is the right medicine.  Our loved ones who have crossed over want that for us and they want to show you they are still with you.  Everyday look for something that makes you smile and better yet laugh.  It can be hard but watch comedy, talk about a funny time, remember something humorous about your loved one. 

-Try journaling, plant something, connect with new people or a new group, be with Mother nature, volunteer, do something in your home that feels like an accomplishment, adopt a pet, ride a horse, learn something new.  

See my talk about grief from this past week VIDEO

All my love and support during this time and every day. 


Deb Sheppard

Can This Change Your Life? Understanding Energy.

Most of the world is staying home while we work together to change the course of COVID-19 Pandemic. It is such a great time to change the energy in your home and your life using the ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui.

I want to share a little bit about my story so you know why I have such a strong belief in this practice. I was at a serious crossroads in my life and searching for answers to help my family when a friend told me about Feng Shui.  My late husband had lost his job due to several natural disasters and he could not find a similar VP job. We were going under and didn’t know where to turn.  We had tried all the typical options, but nothing was working and I had two small children at home.

I’m pretty open minded, but during this time I felt so desperate and was willing to try anything to turn things around.  I went to a bookstore to learn more about energy and decided to purchase a book called The Western Guide to Feng Shui, by Terah Katheryn Collins.  It changed my life forever.  

This is where my new journey began. It changed the energy around me so much that I started feeling spirits and loved ones on the other side. They even followed me into the shower to make themselves known. Thank goodness I was able to put boundaries on that!

What is Feng Shui?

What is Feng Shui? This ancient Chinese philosophy seeks to find balance and harmony between elements.  Feng Shui places emphasis on physical and mental health, success, and healthy relationships which is brought on through positive energy flow.  Often referred to as the art of placement, it’s about “Chi” or energy.  Comprised of two words: “feng” meaning wind and “shui” meaning water which are the most basic elements required for human survival.

My last blog about chakras I talked about energy centers in our body which also include colors and elements.  Keep in mind these things are all intertwined.  Many ancient cultures have given us so many insights that we can bring into practice to create balance and to thrive. 

Most importantly, when I began practicing Feng Shui I felt empowered. I also felt that it provided a way for me to help control my future.  One thing I have always taught; what you think is what you create and this was the beginning of my understanding about manifesting.  

Let’s change the energy of your space because we are all hunkering down right now it is the perfect time to implement a few simple things.

It is easy to do.

The beauty of this practice of Feng Shui is it is easy to do. You can use it multiple ways in your home, yard, office, even in your car.  You don’t have to be a decorator or have special training to get the most out of this.  I continue to use it in my life and love what energy it brings to me. Even just this past week Dana and I painted our kitchen, which is our wealth corner and we are seeing results already.

I have a fun example for you, often I am asked to help with a clients home or place of business when there is a situation that is causing blocks in their lives.  A wonderful client called me to her home that had been on the market for a year. It had gotten very little to no interest from buyers.  This was a large, very beautiful and well designed home. 

When you live and work in your space, you won’t recognize unbalanced or heavy energy because it becomes comfortable and normal to you. When I enter a space as an expert I can feel the true essence of the energy in the space.

One family’s story.

This family had a lot of illness in this home that lasted for a few years.  They dealt with many tragic things like brain tumors, falling down a long staircase, and multiple surgeries to fix an original surgery that went south. I could feel this the second I walked in the door and I had difficulty breathing.  They had already moved into their new residence. The home was empty except for the furniture and staging for selling.

I provided several “cures” as they call it in Feng Shui.  Some of these suggestions consisted of hosting a “party” or celebration in their home. They needed to bring laughter and a higher vibration back into the home.   I had them spend a day reminiscing about all the great times they had there to appreciate the house that sheltered them. I gave them a fun assignment to change the energy with some more “R” rated activities. We implemented many more simple things that you will hear more about this week.

Within a week of my visit I received a call that the owner that the house sold!

The buyer that purchased the home had looked at it the prior year and finally decided to pull the trigger. This is just one example on the power of Feng Shui and energy.

Where to begin.

This is what I want you to do between today and Friday if you can. Go through your piles of paper and get rid of what you don’t need, file away what you do. Go into your closets and take out clothing you don’t want any longer. Next, get rid of old magazines unless you keep a few for a vision board. Look into your cabinets and remove old, broken items. Replace burnt out light bulbs and get rid of trinkets or any broken things in your home. Broken chairs, torn items, etc. If you are going to fix something, fix it. Get rid of plants that are dead or dying. This will give us a great start on implementing all the very simple tips that I will share with you on Friday.

We are going to Feng Shui your home!

12 things To Pay Attention to Right Now. COVID-19

I have been having these incredibly intense dreams and a few days in a row, specifically about this COVID-19 coronavirus.  It was while I was in that twilight state and sometimes that is when my guides flood me with information.  I was quiet and relaxed, and the floodgates opened.  

There is all kinds of discussion and speculation on social media, the news channels, your employer, your friends and family we seem to be all over the place with how we feel about this pandemic.  It can be quite overwhelming and confusing.  As I meditate and communicate with my guides, they have given me some great information and have also allowed me to feel the pain and enlightenment the world is going through right now. What this world is experiencing right now is a rebalance of all types of energy.  

Remember the song Come Together Right Now?  We need this now more than ever.

Reconnect and Rebuild.

  1. This is not going to go away quickly.  We are in this for the long haul as much as we want it to end right away.  It may be here through the summer months unfortunately.
  2. Before this virus we were so busy and separated from our neighbors, community, people, other countries because we are just so focused on our day to day lives.  What we are seeing is this virus has a life of its own, it is unknown, and we are being forced to pay attention.  We are changing how we do things changing and changing how we perceive our surroundings, the world and our loved ones.  
  3. This moment in time has a spiritual meaning.  It is time to reflect on our daily routines, do they serve us or are we just going through the motions?  Our world has been put on hold so we can be quiet sit still and appreciate what we have in life.
  4. This is also a time to reconnect and rebuild.  Check on and catch up with family, friends and neighbors.  There are many ways to do this, phone, zoom, facetime.   I have found myself connecting with many friends I have not seen in ages.  I also find myself talking to family more than I have for several years. 
  5. We are all connected in their world.  This is our reminder.  We are not separate.  What happens to one happens to all.  Our world is connected and does not discriminate.  We are all equal and this virus shows us that.  It cannot see color, religion, sexual orientation, occupation, financial status……We needed a reminder of this concept. 
  6. Will you choose panic or persevere?    I’ve read a few things with people saying, “oh this has happened before” indicating that they may not be taking this seriously.  I have seen those that are in a panic without the ability to function and doing things like buying every roll of toilet paper they can get their hands on.  I want you to know either way you choose to go it isn’t right or wrong.  Your previous life experiences may dictate your response, but can you slow down and persevere? 
  7. Life is short, slow down and help each other. If you know of a person who feels isolated, maybe call them or drop off something that lets them know they are not forgotten.  If you are feeling isolated, or stressed about this, then reach out to someone that can help you through the process.  There is nothing wrong with asking for help and normally the individual you reached out to will feel honored that you needed them during this time.  If you need help RECEIVE.  How many times have I taught this?  
  8. We can address climate change by changing what and how we do things!  Look at the improvements over Italy and China in such a short amount of time.  
  9. We are all still here to learn lessons for enlightenment.  COVID-19 has allowed us to learn many lessons together as a collective so we can decide what changes to make going forward.  
  10. We have become a society of instant gratification.  How is that working for us today? We have so much on hold so we can evaluate what is really important.  Do we need 100” tv’s or the ability to connect with friends and family. 
  11.   Let’s take some deep breaths and figure out a plan.  This is a time to hold each other up and try to find the answers.
  12. We can learn from this; we can prevent or slow down future outbreaks as we are learning new things and learning more about our humanity.  

Remember-all big changes are preceded by turmoil.

Listen to common sense, your providers and use this time to relax and have fun with your family.   Most of us wanted more time with family, well we are manifesting that right now.

Many have started working from home for the first time.   Wouldn’t this be great if this becomes the new normal?  How wonderful would this be in so many ways with less car emissions, more time with family and our fur babies, less use of gas and less car accidents.  Less commuting and more connecting!  

Every day has been looking a little different and we are not in control.  Being prepared for quick changes as that is essential this this process.  If you’re the type that likes everything to be consistent you may start with some self-talk, remember some past experiences where things changed unexpectedly but you did successfully mange it.  Talk to someone who knows you and can help guide you reminding you of tools.

One of my favorite tools is humor.  My mother always had humor throughout our life experiences and I still love that today.  I even tell dad jokes and Dana just looks at me with that rolled eye expression, but I make her laugh and that brings levity to our quarantine. 

It’s 100% okay to have humor right now.  We are all grieving in some way right now, sometimes when we are grieving, we don’t feel laughter is appropriate.  But it is the opposite of that belief.   We are all energy, feeling optimistic and embracing humor are some of the best things you can do during this time.

Just a day at a time or even an hour at a time.  Embrace what you are feeling, talk about it, write it down or even sing about it.  There is no wrong way to manage this new normal.

Please share what you are doing to support your needs right now and if humor is a part of it then share it with others. 



Are Your Chakras Out Of Alignment?

I have attached my Tibetan Singing Bowl Chakra Meditation just for you! It’s a Balancing Act for our Chakra’s right now.

These swirling wheels of energy that correspond with our nerve centers in our bodies are spinning wildly right now.  Do you feel it?  I’m sure do. I am working to keep my energy in alignment each day so I thought I would share some information and tips on how to get into and keep in balance.

The word chakra translates to “wheel” and you have seven main chakras or energy centers in your body.  You may have heard the word chakra or have seen the picture of someone doing yoga with the circle of colors that lineup with your spine up to the top of your head.   It is important that all of your energy centers stay open, aligned and fluid.  If there is a blockage, energy flows are restricted.  Much like a drain, if there is something blocking a bathtub drain it won’t drain correctly and water will stagnate.  This is the same with the energy in your body.  If it is blocked it will not move and will back up and stagnate.  The good thing is it is easy to fix.  You can learn to balance your chakras.  Here are some very simple and easy to apply ways to balance your chakra system.  

Root Chakra

Root Chakra

 The root is the color red and moves the slowest of all the chakras.  It represents our foundation.  On the human body it sits at the base of the spine and gives us the feeling of being grounded.  When this chakra is open, we feel confident in ourselves with the ability to handle challenges and stand on our own two feet.  When it’s blocked, we feel threatened, as if we’re standing on unstable ground.

Some of the ways to see if this chakra is out of balance, you may notice health concerns from the bottom of your spine to your feet.  If you are falling or tripping and emotionally feel afraid that you will not be able to manage things that are unexpected in life.

If you feel that you are in survival mode, this is a clue that this chakra requires some attention.   If your root chakra is out of balance the rest of your chakras will follow. 

The element of the first chakra is Earth. Get outside and connect with Mother Earth, this is the best way to begin to stabilize this chakra.  Walk outside with bare feet if you can.  Wear red clothing. 

Wear my Hematite bracelet close to your body or on your wrist as this will help “ground” you and decrease anxiety.  Use the mantra “I am grounded therefore, I am safe”. Eat beets, red berries, watermelon or red spices like paprika.  

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Sacral Chakra

This is the second chakra and is located in the lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel.  It is the color orange and relates to our emotions and the emotions of others.  It supports our creativity and sexual energy, our sense of abundance, well-being, and pleasure when it’s in balance.  

When this chakra is blocked it could feel a lack of control in your life.

The element is water and the stone to help with the balance is the Tiger’s Eye.   Go swimming or be near water, sit near a water feature which can help with the healing of this chakra.  Turn on your television to a water fall or water feature, listen to water on a meditation app.   Paint or play a musical instrument,  color a mandala to bring in the creative energy.  Use mandarin or orange oil in a diffuser. 

Wear the tigers eye Transformation Mala from my mala collection. 

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Solar Plexus Chakra

This is the third chakra and it is located in the upper abdomen in the stomach area.  It is the color yellow.  This chakra speaks to your ability to be confident and in control of your life. Do you remember a time when you had butterflies in your stomach or felt an unsteady feeling in your gut?  The third chakra controls our self-worth, confidence and self-esteem.  The element is fire and the stone for this chakra is Amber. 

If this chakra is closed, you may feel overwhelming amounts of shame and self-doubt.  I have not listened to my gut feeling and regretted it. 

Wear yellow! This goes for all the chakras. By wearing the color of the chakras and by being in touch with the element of the chakra you can help to balance it.  Wear a fluorite Mala (Release) as it is the same vibration as your third eye.  Get out in the sun and under the blue skies.  Connecting with the element of light will help to balance this chakra.  

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Heart Chakra

This is the fourth chakra and of course it’s where your heart is located, we will put our hand over our hearts when we feel love or sadness in life.  This chakra can influence our ability to give and receive love-from others and ourselves. When this chakra is blocked you will have difficulty opening up to people and sharing your experiences,  I work with so many clients on their heart chakra because most of us are not good at receiving or asking for help, this in itself can create a block.   We need to receive as much as we give to allow this chakra to be open to wonderful things the universe wants to provide.

The Heart chakra controls love, joy and inner peace, it is the color green or pink.  The element is Air and the stone to help balance the heart is Rose Quartz (see the Heart Healing Mala).  

Take deep breaths, go out into the open air and exercise by expanding your chest.  We need to be reminded to take deep breaths.  Open a window to feel a breeze or go outside to feel a breeze.  The element of wind can open your heart chakra.  I have my Apple Watch set to remind me to get up and breath.  Our normal breathing does not expand our chest the way we need to open up our heart chakra.  Eat green foods like spinach, green apples, honeydew melon.  Light a green candle or look at pictures of green forests or green in nature. 

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Throat Chakra

This is the fifth chakra and is located of course in the throat, it is the color blue or turquoise.  This chakra rules over our communication both speaking and listening and when this chakra is balanced, we can express ourselves clearly from our heart.  If this chakra is blocked, you may have trouble expressing to others how you truly feel, and you may also have extreme feelings of guilt, you may feel you aren’t being heard or constantly need to repeat the same things over and over, which leaves you feeling frustrated and ignored.  This chakra also shares the element of truth. 

Listen to sound, music, water, a baby’s laughter.  Look at the blue sky or burn a blue candle. Go outside or to a private area where you can vocalize as loud or as soft as you like.  Foods you can enjoy for balancing your throat chakra are blueberries, grapes, black currants, eggplant or plums.

Use aquamarine to heal and balance or get the Expressive Mala which will help you balance.

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Third Eye Chakra

This is the sixth chakra and is located on the forehead between our eyes.  This chakra controls our ability to see the big picture and connect to our intuition.  Think of it as the eye of the soul.  Visions and intuitive hits are common for the individual with an open third-eye chakra.

However, the other lower chakras require balance for the third eye to work at it’s best.  If you don’t trust your gut, if you feel not heard or ungrounded then this chakra will be challenged.

The chakra controls intuition, imagination, and wisdom.   The is color purple and the element is light.  Get outside into the sun.  Wear purple or indigo or you can burn a purple candle.  Eat foods high in omega 3’s like nuts or chocolate.  Drink green tea.  Wear amethyst (one of my favorite stones) which is on the Spiritual Connection or Empower with Lapis Lazuli Mala.   Use the mantra “I see clearly” during meditation with your mala. 

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Crown Chakra

This chakra is the seventh chakra and it sits at the crown of the head and represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually. When you fully open your crown chakra-something that can be difficult for most, you are able to access a higher consciousness.  While our root chakra connects us to mother earth, our crown chakra is our gateway to enlightenment and the spiritual realm.

It controls inner and outer beauty and spiritual connection.  The color is violet or white and the stone is clear quartz.  To help open this chakra practicing your spiritual beliefs are essential.  Make this a routine practice.  There is no right or wrong way to practice, just embrace what you believe and make it part of your daily life.  Wear the color violet or burn a violet candle.  I recommend you create a space that is violet, eat white or violet colored foods like onions, white potatoes, plums, grapes, figs, or raisins as this will address an imbalance.

All chakras go into and out of balance from time to time as they can become unbalanced from what happens in our day to day lives. The foods we eat, the conditions of our homes, our job or the people in our life can affect how we can become unbalanced.  Paying attention to our bodies and what we say and think can block or unblock our energy.

When we understand that there is something beyond us, something bigger than just what happens in our daily lives, we can grow and love with a greater capacity.  

More easy things to do to balance your chakras:

Listen to or read positive things.  Have fresh flowers or plants in your environment.  Choose the color of clothing you wear with purpose to balance your chakras.  Find things to laugh about or watch comedy.  Hand write a letter to a friend or family member.  Get out-doors, this will do wonders for all of your chakras.  Cook your favorite meal.  Dance!  Drink water and exercise.  Adopt a shelter animal and spoil it rotten. Get off social media or the news for a while because this will help lessen your stress.  Wear a Chakra Balance Mala

 The key to chakras is to pay attention and to keep them balanced an aligned. Understanding your emotions and your body can help you identify where your chakra energy is blocked to maintain the balance. 

Here is my chakra mediation I created with singing bowls to help balance all your chakras, give it a try.

Singing Bowl Meditation


Deb Sheppard 

FEAR vs TRUST and FAITH-A Personal Story


So many of you are feeling a slew of mixed emotions right now – from fear to full-on panic.  
It’s totally understandable -so much uncertainty is in the air.  

I want you to know that sometimes what we see as setbacks can actually be opportunities for powerful POSITIVE life changes.  I have been in fear and paralyzed by it, I have felt lost and stuck, I have been in the eye of the storm, as I call it.  Though sharing some things from my own journey with you I am hoping it helps you to understand that there are divine things happening all around you.  

My Story

In 1994 and there were two massive hurricanes back-to-back, one in the Carolinas and the other in Hawaii. Unfortunately, the company my late husband worked for insured many properties in both locations, so it took a significant financial hit. The company began to downsize. He lost his VP position with the company.   He was given one option, we could move back to the Midwest to continue with the company. We both loved Colorado and the life we were building together here.  Moving back to the Midwest to reinvent his career wasn’t an option for either of us.  

I soon found out that I was pregnant with our second child.  This was extremely difficult, but we were optimistic.  Brad and I both believed that we could start a new path with him starting a business. Taking this as a sign to be your own boss—another American dream.  He had a master’s degree, tons of experience, was great at statistics, honest and good to others.  We had received a payout from the company that provided a good cushion and we had a little money in our retirement that we could use.   This turned out to be the wrong decision, it didn’t work out and things got worse.  

While expecting our second child, Brad took a temporary job with UPS working nights stocking trucks with packages to be delivered…. a far cry from when he was “the boss.”  It was hard work, especially at the age of 42. They provided insurance which was a must for us during this time.  I was doing childcare, while pregnant, and he was working nights. In reality, we were barely making ends meet and we barely saw each other.  He was ashamed that after his successful career he was working nights packing up trucks.  None of our friends knew where he was working or what he was doing, he wanted to keep it hidden.   In all honesty, I didn’t care what he did as long as we could provide for our family. 

I Was in Fear

He came home after an evening shift one night and he had me sit on the end of our bed. He informed me he had quit his job at UPS.  The work felt beneath him, and he couldn’t do it anymore. I remember this as if it were yesterday, my heart sank as my stomach was showing this new life. We were not financially capable of taking care of all our needs, but I didn’t say a word to him. I did not trust his decision anymore and I was beginning to question my feelings. To this day, I’m not sure why I didn’t challenge him, or even question his decision, other than I was in complete shock. We went through all of our savings, refinanced the house enough times that there was no cushion. We filed for bankruptcy and it was one of the most difficult times in our marriage. 

My life was chaos and because of all of this, I began looking for answers. I got me answer came and it was not what I expected. My friend Chris was visiting from California. When she arrived, I told her our situation and she mentioned Feng Shui as a way to change the energy surrounding us.  I had no idea what she was talking about but decided to be open minded. We went shopping and stopped at the bookstore to find books about Feng Shui so I could learn more.

During this same time, my friend LaVern was working at a psychic fair.  She had me see her friend who was a psychic doing readings at the fair.  Desperate to hear that we when we were going to get back on our feet once again, I was hungry for information—anything that would reveal a path for us to take. I asked when Brad was going to get that perfect VP job again so our lives could go back to normal. I did not like the answer!  She informed me that he was not going to get a job and then, asked me a question I’ll never forget: “Why aren’t you sitting on the other side of this table doing readings for people?”  I did not want or need this answer, I left frustrated and confused. 

What was the Answer?

I decided to put all my efforts into Feng Shui and changing the energy surrounding us because I thought this was our answer.  If I could change the energy around us Brad would get that high powered, high paying job again.  The first thing I started doing was cleaning up clutter.  I bagged up things of his, I felt he did not need anymore and started carrying the stuff to the trash. While walking outside, I fell down hard and scraped both of my knees.  This was a sign I should have recognized but did not learn until later.  You don’t take other people’s things without their permission; I didn’t have his permission.

I thought I was “helping” him with his career but did not have his blessing.  Boy did I make a mistake here, rarely does this work.  I didn’t tell him what I was doing with “his things” and I continued on my crusade. After all, I was feeling as if I was taking steps to get our family back on track and what could it hurt?  Feng Shui became pretty easy for me. I could feel the energy and understood how it worked. I even considered becoming a Feng Shui consultant.  

Messages from the Other Side

A few days later after I put the children down for nap time, I was cleaning up things and all of the sudden I could feel someone around me.  This was not a living person, as I began to understand this, I did not feel scared. It felt like I was in slow motion. Maybe you have been in a car accident where you see what is going on, but there is nothing you can do. It happens so fast, but amazingly you can recall the details.   I could feel that it was my friend Susie’s father, who I had never met.  In the spur of the moment and without thinking about it I called her and shared all the messages from her father.   

Several hours later, I recall thinking “Wow, that was weird.”  I began to worry about Susie, I called her back and she was still a little shaken. The only thing I could do was apologize. She said to me “I needed to hear that. My father was a good businessman and he taught my brothers how to run a business, but not me. I would have asked for his help now since I’m learning how to be a business owner.” 

Little did I know how dramatically my life would change. This is when the flood gates opened, and I had the afterlife knocking at me constantly.  I didn’t know what was happening no was I sure of what to do with this so I went to the library and checked out dozens of books.  That’s when I realized I was a medium!  The voices kept coming and coming.  

The Next Step

There was a medium coming to Denver and I was able to get tickets to attend the event.  I had no idea why I decided to attend.  We did not have the money and there was really no reason for me to be there.  I was a bit upset with myself for making this choice.   I went to the car during a break and Brad was in the car listening to a ballgame.   We went back to the event.   After the event finished, we got back in the car and there was a radio station on called KOSI 101.  The DJ had on Sid the Psychic.   I asked Brad if he had put this station on and he had not, I know now that my question was being divinely answered.  I decided to call the radio station the next day.  

The DJ, whose name is Rashke, was open to mediums and had experience with other mediums and she agreed to talk with me.  She came to see me to determine if I was the “real deal” and even though I had no idea what I was doing, I shared all the information that I was getting with her.  I told her that there was an issue with her car to which she informed me that her car was brand new and just fine and consequently felt like she walked away a bit unimpressed but week later Rashke had a huge issue with her car that was very dangerous.  It turns our that I was right, I had trusted the information I was given and Rashke become a believer.


9-11 devistated the country a short time later, and Rashke was trapped in Italy.  She called me to tell me that during this time she realized why we met.   She asked me to come into the radio station and that evening did 52 readings on and off the air.  It was in this moment that I knew my path was to help those in need of healing.  

For the past 18 years I have had the privilege of being a messenger for the other side. I have never looked back; I have never again questioned my purpose.  If I had not listened to the voices and had I not trusted that I was going to be ok, I would not have chosen this path. I was guided to my higher purpose through the challenges put in front of me during this time. We are sometime forced to a new path out of necessity. I would not have gone down this path had Brad gotten a job as a VP. Let’s face it, we get comfortable in what we think is normal and refuse to make changes. In order to make changes we need to be uncomfortable sometimes.

Eye of the Storm

Right now, the world is going through the Eye of the Storm again.  What happens if you choose faith over fear?   I challenge you to ask yourself if you can open up the path we are being shown, I believe we are being guided to a higher purpose by our circumstances.   Trust that you will be okay and we will find our way together.

Here is the FACEBOOK LIVE Session where we talk about this and more. I hope you watch and then join me again next Wednesday on Facebook at 1pm MST.

Sacred Contracts-Why Am I Here? What is my purpose?


What is my purpose? 

The answer may be quite different than what you think.

We are all spiritual beings living a human experience and most of us want to figure out what we are supposed to be doing with our lives. What is our value of being on this planet? We have situations and occurrences that happen over and over again and we wonder why. We go to work every day and wonder, is this what I’m supposed to be doing with my life. Do we have divine guidance? What should I be learning? Is there something more than what I can see?  

YES, there is! 

I sat down about 15 years ago to do some automatic writing. My guides took me on a journey of discovery with Sacred Contracts. They shared with me our true purpose of Enlightenment and growth as spiritual beings. Prior to making our trip to our college called Earth, we agree to contracts with our soul group to share in our lessons and experience our lessons together.  We review what we desire to learn and try to create some sort of plan to embrace these contracts.  If you were planning a trip or to enroll in college, you would sketch out a plan, and this is no different when our soul chooses the lessons it needs to learn to achieve further enlightenment.  I call these contracts with our soul mates Soul Contracts and these contracts consist of Life Lessons.

Simply put, this is Dharma. Dharma is an exchange of lessons for full enlightenment.  Dharma is also a vibration of love for each other and it allows us the ability to learn why we are here.  We exchange the energy of Dharma willingly to achieve this enlightenment.  We also agree to do this many, many times. Your life purpose is so much more than your “job”.

I do not believe my ability as a medium is my “Life Purpose”. I believe that my contracts are much more complicated than that. My ability brings me so many wonderful things and allows me to help so many people but the judgement, abandonment, and difficulties that come with what I do are my true lessons. We only grow when things are difficult. When things are easy we will just ride the wave, but when things are hard we look for answers and we seek spiritual growth.

Love Deb 💜💜

There is so much more to this and I hope you consider joining me in for my next Soul Contracts class.

Soul Contracts, Sacred Contracts and your Life Purpose.

New Decade, New Energy, New Vibration!

20/20 VISION

The word decade seems so big!  Think of having a ten-years of education with lots of opportunities. New opportunities to seek what we desire, new intentions, new energy, new directions and even a release of the things that no longer serve our souls.  

What were you doing in 2000? Do you remember Y2K?  Time has truly flown by these last 10 years.  Have you sat down to think about what has changed in your life in the last ten years?  Did you learn new things?  Did you have situations that brought you endings and new beginnings?  What did you release and what did you embrace?

Did 2019 kick your butt???  WOW!  2019 was a HUGE period of transformation.  I certainly felt it.  Everyone was touched by multiple experiences of change and we all felt the push that it was a time to release old energy.  Releasing the old to make way for the new is difficult because the new path is unknown.  Have you heard of the saying “Nothing is constant except change”?  There are times we can feel the heaviness that surrounds our life.  Have you heard the term “dark energy”?  I don’t believe in “dark energy” as a negative thing, because when we are in a so-called dark space, it’s truly about our rebirth.  I always say it’s a rebirth without the epidural.  It can be painful, but we are embracing a new way to experience a life in an intentional new way. 

A New Vibration

Sometimes, we think we have not made many changes until we actually truly think about what we have experienced in a decade of our lives.  There are times we are hard on ourselves and other times we may feel as if we didn’t do enough.  You can be proud of what you have endured and experienced, perhaps you even inspired others. 

What we have been doing this past year is making our way towards a new vision and a new energy vibration for this upcoming year.   You can begin to find clarity in your life if you are willing to open eyes, heart and soul to the authentic you.  Think about having 20/20 vision.  

2020 is bringing in all the highest vibration whether you like it or not. 

Let’s cover some spiritual basics that will help to understand 2020 and all the possibilities for this New Year.  The last few years have been about releasing the things that no longer served us.  2020 is about your new foundations and what do you desire for the next decade.  We will see determination regarding our goals, aspirations, and even hobbies.  A year of evolving.  

Numerology and 2020

2020 in Numerology is a special year of perfect vision and accomplishments.  2020 unveils a brand-new operating manual for the next decade.  Woo-hoo!  The 2020 code of peace, vision and responsibility will help you create real results and security this year.  When you add 2+0+2+0=4.  4 represents order, stability, family, home, manifestation, conservation, peace, physical reality, and practical solutions.  It’s a number of getting things done.  You are being asked to be fully invested in creating a foundation for long-lasting success, security, and grounding by building something of value that stands the test of time.  

Also, some interesting information about the Chinese astrology and New Year which begins January 25th, 2020 and ends on February 11, 2021.  It is the sign of the metal Rat.  It is the first sign of the 12 in Chinese astrology. 2020 is considered to be a year of new beginnings and renewals.  I was born in the year of the metal rat.  Those of you who have the rat as their Chinese sign enjoy being wise, intelligent, charming, quick witted, practical, ambitious and good with money.  You are probably artistic in some way, and inventor, creator or entrepreneur.  You also are most likely to be blessed with good luck.  

Pay Attention

Now, let’s talk about some important things for you to do this year to maximize this new energy.  

Pay attention to what you say, think and do.  

Release your guilt and shame, these two factors that I see so often inhibit us all from our true selves and all they do is limit our possibilities.  We hold on to beliefs that no longer serve our souls which will only diminish who we truly can become.  Release these limiting beliefs.  Don’t inhibit your true self.

Trust the process and focus on creating your new vision.  Instead of creating control, trust the universal plan.  If you control to much you may limit the real possibilities of your life, and you may still allow yourself to stay in fear and play “small”.  Fear is false evidence appearing real.  If you are driven with fear and are unable to surrender and trust the process you are bringing only the negative side of energy.  

To have 20/20 vision is to look away from fear and to know that you can respond to whatever happens in life.  Use spiritual tools, have a tribe or community and most of all believe that you deserve all the good and abundance the universe is bringing you.

You can do this

Remember the tough times from your past gave you the experience and you learned a lot; you can recognize that pattern and you can change it.  Stay out of the fear of your past experiences. 

Put on your 20/20 glasses and see what your future can be without the blinders of fear, judgment and limitations.  You got this!

Welcome in a new decade with a future of passion.


Deb 💜

The Power Of Mala Beads. Everything About Mala’s.

I sat down with my good friend Sarita from Tibet Imports a few months ago.   Sarita grew up in Nepal and is an incredible Vedic Astrologer and Mala maker.   She is also a kind and wonderful person.  Together we created my own exclusive Mala line and every single one is handmade.   Every bead and color chosen has a very specific purpose and I have blessed or activated them.  I can’t wait to share what we have done.  First, I will give you some information about Mala’s because there are so many powerful things about them.  

Vedic Astrology means “the science of light”.    Vedic science comes from the Vedas, one of the oldest spiritual scriptures in India dating back to 1,500-2,000 BCE.  It gives us the ability to see into our lives with more clarity.  Vedic science is the science of self-knowledge.  Through self-realization everything is known.  This gives us the realization that the Divine Spirit is within all things, and our connection and unity to Spirit.

A full Mala is a string of 108 beads used for meditation to count the mantras, or intentions.  It is also all about the beads as every bead possesses energetic qualities and this is why we chose very specific beads for my line of Mala.  Why 108 beads? There are so many reasons but here are a few. 

  • Renowned Vedic mathematicians believed that the number 108 represent the wholeness of existence
  • There are 108 marma points (concentrated centers of energy) in the human body
  • In the tantric systems of subtle physiology, there are said to be 108 nadis (energy channels) that converge to form the heart chakra.
  • According to Yogi tradition, there are 108 sacred places on the body
  • Some believe there are 108 stages on the journey of the soul
  • We have 108 bones in the human body
  • In Vedic astrology there are 12 houses and 9 planets.  12 times 9=108
  • 108 in Vedic Mathematics is called a harshed (great joy) number, which is an integer divisible by its digits
  • There are 108 human feelings, 36 related to the past, 36 related to the present and 26 related to the future
  • The Ganga, India’s sacred river spans a longitude of 12 degrees, 79 to 21, and a latitude of 9 degrees, 22 to 31. 12 times 9 =108
  • It is said that 1 stands for “God” or the higher truth. 0 stands for emptiness or completeness in spiritual practice and 8 stands for infinity or eternity.
  • The diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of Earth. The distance from the Sun to the Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Sun.
  • The average distance of the Moon from Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Moon.
  • In Astrology, the metal silver is said to represent the moon.  The atomic weight of silver is 108.
  • Chemistry periodic charts have 108 elements.  We have 108 elements in the Universe

A Mala is useful for bringing the energy of the universe to you or giving energy out to the universe or others.  Wearing a Mala can help you concentrate your mind and may help focus on the intention you are creating.  In meditation create your Mantra and practice your Mantra for 40 days.  You can use a simple word, sentence or phrase with the intention of channeling a specific energy.  OM is the most universal mantra out there and it is believed to represent the entirety of your consciousness.  Because of that it can mean anything you want.  You can also have a word or phrase that is specific to what you are manifesting.  It is up to you. 

It is also a personal choice on how you wear your Mala.  You should wear it on you left wrist to receive energy or to bring energy towards you, the left is moon energy.  You wear it on your right wrist to give energy, the right is the sun energy.  The moon or left side of your body is feminine and the right side including the sun is masculine energy.  Or you can wear it as a necklace to absorb the intention you are creating.  Keep in mind the stone needs to touch your skin because the heat from your body and oil from your body need to touch the stone to receive the energy from the stone.

Your Mala will come cleansed for you but there are many ways to cleanse energy from your stones.  You can burn sage, Palo Santo wood, incense, rose water or hand them in the light of the full moon.   It is not suggested to wear your Mala to bed or in the shower.  Do not store your Mala on the floor or in the bathroom.

If your Mala breaks be very happy because all the intention and thought’s you are trying to shift have shifted.  It will encourage you to move forward to a higher level.  You can repair your broken Mala with a new thread and tassel, or you can offer it to the earth.

Now to share the Mala’s.   They are beautiful and powerful.   Take a look.


Surviving The Holiday’s-Be Gentle With Yourself

It’s around the corner, and the holidays will be in full force.  Grief can seem to catch us when we may not expect it.  There is so much hustle and bustle during this time of year.  They call it the season of blessings and gratitude, but for many it can feel as if you just want this to be over.

Whether your loss is a divorce, a death or an unexpected change, grief has a life of its own.  No two losses are the same and we all grieve in different ways.  We can sometimes push it down and not talk about it causing us to become so emotional that it can make a simple task feel overwhelming.  For some old losses are just as challenging as recent ones.  Guilt can play a huge role in our experiences that should have joy, but the guilt of bringing happiness to our lives again can be too difficult to embrace.

What I do know is that bringing joy into our lives especially during times of grief, is the best medicine for healing.  If you want to feel the connection of a loved one even our fur or feathered babies who have crossed the first thing is to raise your energy levels to have the connection, you once had.  This may seem daunting and even fake to make laughter a fun part of your life.  However, it is the best tool you can incorporate to your healing process.

Changing how you celebrate your holidays can promote your way of healing and honoring the changes you have been through.  Even though we know change is inevitable and it can feel difficult to embrace, honoring the changes you have been through can promote healing also.  Find ways to celebrate the past and look forward to the future, it may be hard during grief to grasp this, but it is a way to help in your healing.

When you lose a loved one it can feel like you can’t celebrate them.  But, you certainly can with just a few ideas.  Start thinking of creative ways that you and your family can incorporate the memories.  For example, at Thanksgiving, you can go around the table and share funny stories or share what you loved most about them. Make a toast about your loved one and know they are with you; they are just celebrating without having to do any dishes. 

Maybe you can start a new tradition by volunteering for their favorite cause or your favorite one in honor of your loved one.

Another idea would be adopting a family with needs so you can help them celebrate in an effort to help you find what you are grateful for because it can be very challenging to find gratitude when we are grieving.  It can be especially hard when others around you are feeling joyous during the holiday season.  I encourage you to take many deep breaths and find things that can help you find the joy and gratitude even during grief.  I know without a doubt that your loved ones in spirit wants you to have joy, to count your blessings and to celebrate the life you have.    

These rules apply to any type of grief, divorce, job loss etc.  Nurture yourself by being kind to you, I find that this is a big one.  Givers, healers, teachers, etc., feel giving to others will make them feel better.  Well, that maybe true for a few moments, but taking care of you is the best thing you can do for yourself and those you share your life with.

Allow yourself to cry, ask for help and learn to say no to the things that are not filling your soul.   Beginning to create a balance can actually bring on guilt, but with practice you can feel stronger and better equipped to do what makes you happy and you will begin to be okay to have gratitude and joy.  For this Holiday Season, I would love to hear your stories.  Please email me with how you are taking care of yourself and what tools you are using to heal.  I will choose someone for a Half Hour reading and a set of my Forever Connected Oracle cards so you can connect to your loved one on your own. 

Forever connected Oracle cards for healing
Forever Connected Oracle cards

Sending you lots of love and looking forward to hearing from you,


email me at deb@debsheppard.com